Jealous!Hawks x Reader : Jealous bird...

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I guess this counts as a request , So hawks was requested by @NhinLynh
In this one-shot you and hawks are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Ah! I apologize if endeavor is off character , I think I made him too nice...
Also I'm sorry for rushing it , I just wanted to get this done.

Hero meetup! You were so excited! Some men and women in fancy clothing (I forget what their called) decided to throw a party to celebrate the hard work heroes put in to keep the public safe.

All heroes were invited to come , Including you and hawks.

When you arrived , You saw some familiar faces. Including , Kamui Woods , Mt. Lady , Gang orca , Best Jeanist , And Even All might showed up!

You stared with awe , Looking at all the pro heroes who actually showed up. Hawks chuckled at how excited you were. How could you not be?!?

Pro heroes , Dancing , Eating food , Bonding with one another , Food!!!!

You had planned on staying with hawks the whole night , But when your eyes landing on a certain hero , You immediately bolted towards them.

He was your favorite hero! It doesn't matter what the media thought of him! He was strong , Determined to save the day , And not to mention he solved to most crimes!


( I know endeavor is mean , But he's the only person I imagine hawks would truly get jealous of.)

" H-Hey Endeavor!" You waved , Smiling brightly at the man. " Ah , You're..(Hero name) , Am I Correct?" Endeavor asked. You blush slightly , Amazed that he actually knew who you were.

" Yep! That's me! I'm endeavor- Wait no- I'm Fatgum! Ah! No that's wrong..Um-" You panicked , Your blush growing more prominent. You started to sweat nervously. But it slowly went away when you heard endeavor chuckled slightly.

" I've had people be nervous around me , But that's cause they think I'm intimidating. But your a different story , Aren't you?" He chuckled once more , Making your blush spread more , If that was even possible.

You laughed nervously. " Y-Yeah , I'm kinda a big fan of yours. I apologize!" " Don't be. I've seen some of the incidents you've solved and I must say , You're very impressive."

With his words , You're pretty sure you looked like a tomato at this point. " Ah- Thank you-" " Yo! (Y/n)! Can I talk to you for a second?" Hawks interrupted , Grabbing your wrist , Pulling you away from endeavor.

You were dragged outside , You were also pretty sure that endeavor was super confused. " Hawks...What's wrong?" You finally asked when hawks stopped walking.

" I was jealous..." He admitted , Bringing you into an embrace. " Well that's obvious , But why?" You returned his hug.

Hawks sighed. " The way you blushed because of him...Even I can't make you blush that much.." He pouted. You just smiled slightly.

" That's cause I'm a fan girl just like you , Now let's go enjoy the party. I'm pretty sure they have chicken."

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