Tomura Shigaraki x Reader : Just a game

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Crusty handman was requested by @flowerfulmina
For this One-Shot you and tomura are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy! UWU

" HOW DO YOU IDIOTS KEEP BEATING ME?!" Tomura threw yet another gaming controller at the wall. " And why do you keep breaking the controllers? They're expensive you know!" Spinner replied , Calmly Placing the controller down.

Tomura huffed , Grabbing "Father" from his sweatshirt pocket , Placing it on his face. " Maybe you keep losing , Cause you suck at this game handman." Dabi said casually , Taking a sip of his drink.

And before anyone knew what was happening , Tomura was carefully attacking dabi.

" (Y/N)!!!! GET YOUR BOYFRIEND!!!! HE'S ATTACKING DABI AGAIN!!!" Mr.Compress shouted , Trying to pull tomura off of dabi.

" Huh? What's happening-" You walked into the room , Scratching the back of your head. " GET HIM!!!" Spinner shouted as well , Pointing to your crusty boyfriend.

" Oh." You quickly walked over to the two fighting boys , Easily Pulling tomura off him , Throwing him over your shoulder. " Sorry 'bout that dabi." You apologized for tomura actions , Before leaving the room.

" Her super strength quirk is so useful in these situations..." Toga giggled.

As you were carrying tomura down the hall , He (of course) was throwing a tantrum. " LET ME GO WOMAN!!!" " Woman hm? Well at least that's better than what you called me yesterday." You laughed.

Tomura growled , Finally relaxing in your arms. " Don't know why your throwing a tantrum over losing in a game."

" Dabi started it..." He mumbled , Pouting slightly. " I'm sure he did...But seriously tomura. it's just a game."

Tomura scoffed at your words. " It is NOT just a game! Mario kart is a intense game of strategy and competitive gaming you uncultured breadstick!"

You sigh as your man-child of a boyfriend continued his rant. ' Shoulda just kept my mouth shut...'

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