Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : Movie Night

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I think it's started to annoy people when I write about sleep now. XD
For this one-shot you and inasa are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Earlier , You and inasa decided to watched a movie. It was your favorite movie , (Insert movie here)! You had literally talked about half of the time to inasa , And now you two were actually watching it together!

You gladly pressed play on the movie , Sitting in inasa's lap.

Later into the movie , You felt yourself grow tired. But you just brushed it off. You've had pulled some all-nighter's before , So surely you can stay awake for the rest of the movie.

But , Being covered in warm blankets , Cuddling with your boyfriend? How could you not fall asleep.

Soon the end credits appear on screen.

Inasa yawned , Rubbing one of his eyes. " That was a great movie (Y/n)! I can see why you like it-Oh!" Inasa looked down at you sleeping peacefully in his arms.

Inasa smiled , Quickly turning off the TV. He carefully adjusted you , So you were in a more comfortable position.

He placed a kiss to your forehead , Before drifting off into a peaceful sleep as well.

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