Hitoshi Shinsou x Reader : Peaceful

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Hitoshi was requested by @evokethetitan
For this one-shot you and hitoshi are already in a relationship.
I apologize if this isn't what you requested!
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if it ended weirdly.

Hitoshi let out a content breath , Burying his face in your hair. Everything was just comfortable. You peacefully asleep in hitoshi's arms , Wrapped in warm blankets with gentle rain in the background.

This was the first time hitoshi felt at peace for awhile.

He felt you adjust a bit , Opening your eyes a bit. You looked up at Hitoshi , Muttering a 'Good morning' before resting your head on hitoshi's chest.

Hitoshi chuckled , Kissing the top of your head.
" Good morning beautiful."

Everything was just peaceful.

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