Sasaki Mirai x Reader x Toshinori Yagi : Flexing

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Nighteye and Toshi were requested.
For this one-shot you , Nighteye , And Toshi are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

I apologize if ended weirdly!

You chuckled as Nighteye gave Toshi a confused look. Toshinori was currently flexing for you and Nighteye , While you and Nighteye cuddled on your bed.

You don't know if it's one purpose or not...

" But cmon guys , Do you think I've gained weight?" Toshi grinned , Changing his flexing pose. " I think you're just messing with us Toshinori." Nighteye muttered , Resting his head on top of yours.

You chuckled once again , Watching Toshi frown. Toshi relaxed his muscles , Now resting his arms on his hips.

" Really?"

" Indeed. There's no way you would gain weight , Muscle weight maybe , But not Food weight. Therefore I think you're messing with us."

Toshi was taken aback for a moment , Before He grinned once again. " Really , You think I'm messing with you two?" Toshi began to hover over you and Nighteye.

" Then I'll just mess with your cuddle time with
(Y/n)! Haha!!" Toshinori , Then pulled you from Nighteyes arms , Then Flopping over , That way you were now ontop of Toshinori.

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