Shinya Kamihara x Reader : Clumsy

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Shinya request by zoe_animebaka I hope you enjoy ^-^ I apologize that this took a long while to write.

You were so excited! Today was your first day working with the number 4 hero : edgeshot. You haven't met him yet , You've only talked to his other assistants , So you've been super excited to actually meet him.

When you finally arrived at his agency , One of sidekicks showed you around. You were hoping edgeshot would've showed you around , But his sidekicks told you he was doing hero-work. So you'd have to wait.

" And this is edgeshot's office , We only go in there if there's an emergency , Or if he calls one of us in there. Got it?" His sidekick questioned. You nodded with a big smile. " All right , Now lets-" " Oh , Is this my new sidekick?"

You and the sidekick turned to see edgeshot walking towards you two. You started to blush , You knew he was handsome in photos , But in person he was beautiful. " Yes sir."

Edgeshot looked at you , Reaching his hand to give you a handshake. " Nice to meet you , It's nice to have more help around here." You blinked at him for a moment , Before actually realizing what he was doing. You take a step forward to shake his hand.

But somehow , You managed to trip over nothing falling right onto edgeshot , Making both of you collapse to the floor. You face planted on edgeshot's chest , Taking a second before lifting your face slightly , Looking up at the ninja like hero.

You quickly scrambled off him. " I apologize Mr. Edgeshot!" Edgeshot sat up as well , Helping you get on your feet. " No no it's quite alright. I didn't expect my new sidekick to be so clumsy."

I apologize that it ended strangely!

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