Mirio Togata x Reader : Eskimo kisses

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Hey there , I'm really sorry that I haven't posted any of the requests lately. I am going to write them , But in order for me to write the best I can I want to write my own ideas too , I apologize that is just how my writing works. I am going to get to the requests soon , I apologize once again.

Mirio smiled widely when seeing you entering your homeroom class. " Hey (y/n)!" Your sunshine of a boyfriend cheered , Waving at you rapidly. " Hey mirio." You smiled and waved back. You walked over to him , After Placing your bag at your desk.

" So mirio , I heard a new ramen place opened up and I was wondering if you wanted to check-" You were suddenly lifted into mirio's strong arms , Mirio placed his forehead against yours , Rubbing his nose along the sides of your nose. You blushed slightly when mirio pulled away. " Sure we can out for ramen! You always know me so well!" He rubbed his nose against yours once more , Before putting you down.

" What was that?" You smiled slightly as a deeper blush appeared on your face. " Oh? The nose thing? It's just..I saw a couple doing it in the park and I wanted to try it out! I hope that's fine-" You placed your nose on his , Making mirio the one with pink cheeks. " You're cute mirio." " Ah , Thanks! I try to be!"

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