Muscular x Reader : Date...

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MY BOI MUSCULAR WAS REQUESTED BY Overhual55. I'm glad I'm not the only one that likes him XD. Anyway i hope you enjoy! I guess this is kinda like a part two to playtime...

You took a deep breath before knocking on the door to muscular's apartment. You both decided if you were going to have a date , it was going to be at one your homes , With both of you being villains and all. The door slowly opened soon after you knocked , Revealing muscular looking somewhat decent. And that means , He just had on a different shirt other than his usual tank top.

" Aw , look at you! Wearing different clothes just for me." You gave him a playful smirk as you entered his living room. He smirked as well. " Well it was this or wear dirty clothing." You shook your head giggling. You both sat down on his couch , Just sitting in silence.

" You hungry?" Muscular broke the silence. You shrugged. " I guess i could eat.." He nodded getting up walking into the kitchen , opening the fridge and pulling out lunchables.

He set at least two of each kind on the coffee table in front of you. You raised an eyebrow but laughed anyway. " Lunchables? You sure know how to make a lady happy muscular." He gave you a playful glare with a smirk. " Don't downgrade lunchables ok. This is what i eat on a daily bases."

You laughed again grabbing (Lunchable of your choice) , While muscular grabbed the pizza one. You both started to make your lunchables , But then you heard- " Fricken frick." Muscular muttered under in breath , when the pizza sauce splatter all over him. 

" You good over there?" You tried to refrain from laughing. " Ive never had the pizza one before , I didn't think it would be this messy.." He started to wipe the sauce on a napkin. You looked over at the napkin , then letting out some giggles. Muscular glanced over to you raising an eyebrow.

" Why are you laughing?" You calmed down for a second. " I'm sorry , It's just that the sauce looks like blood." Muscular eyes widened , But then turned into a playful glint.

" Dang , You're perfect.."

I hope you enjoyed! I always enjoy writing muscular. ^-^

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