Inasa Yoarashi x Reader : Too early...

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The list of how many times I write about sleep continues! XD
In this one-shot , You and inasa are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You smiled lovingly at the snoring boy laying right beside you in your shared bed. You had awakened before your alarm went off , Which gave you the chance of seeing inasa calm for once. Of course he was asleep though.

You started to run your hands through his short hair , Smile growing at his groan. He pressed his face into his pillow , Using one of his hands to push away yours. " Nooo..." He mumbled , Making you laugh.

Inasa usually awoke before you , Giving him enough time to get his usual energy going. So seeing him like that made you UWU!!!

You ran your hands through his hair once more , Causing him to look your way with a small pout. " Too...Early.." Inasa mumbled once more , Bringing you closer too him , So he can press his face into your neck. " Your such a handsome boy inasa." You pressed a kiss on the top of his head.

He groaned once more. " And too early for compliments..."

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