Mirio Togata x Reader x Tamaki Amajiki : Lets build a fort!

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Mirio and Tamaki was requested by @ikaika18
I hope you enjoy. UWU

" (Y/n) , Tamaki..." Mirio spoke , Poking his head into your living room. You and tamaki looked from the TV too mirio , Both of you tilting your heads. " Yeah mirio?" You questioned.

" I had an amazing thought as I was poopin' , Let's build a fort!" Mirio suggested , Pumping his fist into the air.

You raised your eyebrow at the blonde boy. " That's a really weird thing to think about while on the toilet-" "COME ON IT'LL BE FUN!" Mirio cheered , Rushing over to you , Pulling you off the couch.

Tamaki just sighed , Pausing the movie , So you three can build this fort.

*One hour later*

So you think after one hour and three people working in this fort , It would be done right? Whelp , That was not the case for you three.

It was mostly just blankets and pillows , literally in one big pile. " Haha! It looks great buddies!" Mirio smiled brightly , Gesturing at the pile of fluff.

You and tamaki just looked at each other , Neither if you could bring yourselves to tell mirio how bad it really looked. But at least it was soft.

Mirio sat down on the pile , Patting the spots next to him for you and tamaki. You attempted to sit down , But mirio pulled you into his lap , And tamaki squished against him in a side hug.

" Thank you guys! I really like our fort!" Mirio hugged you both tighter. You and tamaki shared eye contact once again , Smiling at one another , As you both hugged back your ball of sunshine that you call your friend.

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