Sir Nighteye x Reader : Wall kisses

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For this one-shot you and sir nighteye are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

" That's everyone gone home nighteye." You spoke , Entering nighteye's office. He looked at you with his same glare he gives everyone. " Thank you (y/n). Before we head back home ourselves , There's something I want you to do." He stood up from his desk.

" More paperwork? My hands already cramped up from the first stacks I did." You joked , Pointing to your wrist. Nighteye started to walk over to you. " Not quite.."

You tilted your head. " Then what?" Nighteye didn't answer , But instead he leaned down to your height , Placing his lips onto yours. You made a sound of surprise , But soon regained your composure , Kissing your intimidating boyfriend back.

You let out another squeak when you felt him lift you off the floor. You immediately gripped onto his suit jacket , Afraid that he might drop you. Nighteye walked towards the closest wall , Pressing you against it. " Ah- Nighteye wha- This is strange! Even for you!" You panicked , Holding onto nighteye as much as you could.

And then you heard it....You heard him laugh. " Wha- Why are you laughing!? I'm not being funny here!" Nighteye smiled , Kissing you once more. " I know , I just wanted to have a nice laugh ." He responded , Making you confused with his answer. " You could've just said so!"

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