Jealous!Tamaki Amajiki x Reader : Jealousy hugs

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A jealous Tamaki was requested.
For this one-shot you and tamaki are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Tamaki wasn't enjoying this. He's not enjoying watching his best friend hang out with his girlfriend. I mean most people would be happy watching their friend get along with their girlfriend/boyfriend.

But tamaki noticed this going on for awhile.

Tamaki was very close behind you , Listening to you and mirio talk about training together.

" Maybe we could meet up this weekend? I think our quirks are really compatible with eachother , Don't you think?" Mirio beamed , Grinning like a goofball.

You nodded , Matching your grin with his. " Yeah totally mirio. I could use the extra training anyway. I feel like I'm falling behind a little.."

" Nonsense! I think you're pretty amazing (y/n)!" Mirio wrapped his arm around you in a boosting friendship hug!

Tamaki obviously didn't really enjoy watching this happening.

Gathering all the confidence and courage he could , Tamaki walked over to you two , Gently but effectively pulling you from mirio's arms into his.

Tamaki placed his chin ontop of your head , Glaring at mirio. (Not aggressively!)

" Mirio , Please don't hug (y/n) like that.." Tamaki muttered , Walking away with you in his arms.

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