Taishiro Toyomitsu x Reader : Bed Head

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For this one-shot you and taishiro are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

You walked out of your bedroom , Noticing that taishiro was already in the kitchen making breakfast what looked like for 10 people.

" Hey Taishiro..." You yawned , Going to the fridge to grab a glass of juice. Taishiro turned to you , A wide grin appearing on his features.

" Heya muffin! Did ya rest well- Woah..." When you closed the fridge , Taishiro gazed at your messy bed head.

" What..?" You tilted your head at the large man. Taishiro just grinned more widely. " Nothin' I love ya muffin!"

You gave him a confused expression. " I love you too Taishiro..."

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