Mirio Togata x Reader : POWER!!!

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Ah!!! Season four starts soon! I get to see my boy mirio animated again!!!!
For this one-shot , You and mirio are already in a relationship.
I hope you enjoy. ^-^

Mirio smiled at the sight of you in his hero costume. It was just so big on you , You looked so cute! Mirio's smile widened , As well as a blush appearing on his cheeks when you started mimicking him.

" Power!!!" You shouted , Flexing your muscles the same way mirio does. Mirio covered his mouth , In attempt to stop his laughs. But he couldn't hold it in for long when you managed to trip over his cape.

You blushed a deep red , Realizing you've been caught. " That was a really good impression (y/n)!" Mirio walked over to you , Helping you off the ground.

He wrapped his arms around you , Kissing your nose. " But , You just didn't say it with enough enthusiasm!" He quickly let go of you , Doing one of his signature positions.

" POWER!!!!"

So for the rest of the evening you and mirio kept doing enthusiastic positions screaming power at the top of ya lungs.

" Hey , What if next time we try mimicking you

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