Mirio Togata x Reader x Tamaki Amajiki : Sleep

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A tamaki and mirio request was by @osomatsuusan I hope you enjoy ^-^ Also I realize I write a lot about sleep for some reason.

" And then I phased right through him! But it resulted in me being butt naked and all!" Mirio smirked , Rubbing the back of his neck. " T-that's cool I guess mirio." Tamaki responded to his over energetic friend, Opening the door to your home.

They were actually coming over today to study, Nejire was busy hanging out with a different friend so sadly she couldn't come. But you guys were gonna save her some notes , Like the good friends you are.

" I know right! It was the best chess game I've ever played!" He chuckled , Then looked over at you on the couch...Fast asleep. " Aw , Tamaki look at how cute (y/n is being!-" " Mirio we shouldn't wake her.."

" Ah , My bad!" Mirio whisper shouted. Mirio walked over to you , Squatting to be level with your face. He smiled widely , Then moving to pick you up bridal style. " Let's move her to her bed." Mirio whispered once more , Walking towards your room.

Tamaki sheepishly followed mirio into your room, Mirio placed you on your bed gently , Smiling at how peaceful you look. " Ok , Let's go tamaki." Mirio mumbled quietly , As he strolled over to his shy friend. " Mirio wait , We shouldn't l-leave her without a blanket." Tamaki quickly scramble over to you , Grabbing a blanket , Placing it on you.

Before tamaki could walk away , You grabbed ahold of his arm pulling him into bed with you. Tamaki yelped , Making his sunshine of a friend look his way. Tamaki blushed at the sudden closeness , While mirio just started laughing at the two of you.

" Mirio! H-help!" Tamaki reached for mirio , Though mirio just kept laughing. " Mirio!" " Ok ok , I'm coming." He chuckled.

As soon as mirio reached the two of you , You latched onto his arm , Pulling him into the bed. " Well...frick!" Mirio chuckled once more. You had a tight grip on both boys , Making it hard for them to leave without disturbing you.

" Up for a nap tamaki?" Mirio asked. Tamaki sighed , As he tried to shift into a comfortable position , Mirio doing the same. Mirio and tamaki laid beside you , Each boy on each side. Mirio placed his chin on your head , Wrapping an arm around your waist. You somehow managed to tangle your legs with tamaki's , His face in the crook of your neck , And his hands in yours.

" Night tamaki." Mirio grinned. " Good n-night mirio." " And good night to you (y/n)." Mirio placed a kiss on your head.

- Two hours later-

You took a deep breath before opening your eyes. You were confused to feel two bodies beside yours. You notice that it's your best friends , Tamaki and mirio. You would've asked what they were doing But , They were sleeping so peacefully That you just smiled at them , Placing a kiss on each of their faces.

" Good night guys."

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