Chapter 6

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Where the fuck is Taehyung? And why hasn't he been replying to my texts?! It's unlike him to not reply to my texts for an entire day. He always texts me, even if he's busy, he does tell me that he would call me as soon as he was free. But now, nothing! He didn't even so much as see my texts. I took out my phone and checked my messages to see if he had texted me back or at least seen them.

JK: Tae? Where are you? I was right outside the hall but you didn't come out. Text me when you see this.

JK: Tae! Where the fuck are you? I didn't see you in the cafeteria. No one has seen you since then. Text me please, I'm worried.

JK:Taehyung! I'm worried sick right now?! Why haven't you been returning my calls?

JK: Hyung please. Tell me you're okay?

And almost 50 more texts like these along with 20 missed calls. He had been gone since the morning after his second lecture and no one had seen him since then. At first I thought that maybe he was ignoring Jimin and I because of our argument this morning, but turns out he wasn't replying to the others as well. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok and even Yoongi texted and called him, but he didn't return any of them.

An entire day had passed and right now, I was sitting in my room, on the floor with my phone in my hand trying to call him once again. What the fuck?! Why the hell isn't he picking up? Will he back tonight? Will he come over and lay down next to me? Frustrated, I pushed myself off the ground and walked towards my book shelf, taking out my journal and a pen.

Dear Taehyung,

Where are you,Tae? Why aren't you returning my calls? Or replying to my texts? Did I do something wrong? If I did, I don't know what it is but please forgive me. I love you so much, Tae and I can't help but worry about you. I'm scared, Tae. I need you. When are you coming back? I went to your house, but Mrs. Chao told me that you've been out with your mom and dad since the morning. Is something wrong, Taehyung? Please be okay, because I don't know how I'd survive if anything were to happen to you.

I love you, Kim Taehyung and I hope that I can be capable enough one day to tell you this.

Do you remember the time when I was really angry because you chose Jimin's company over mine when we went to the arcade? I do. I couldn't help but be so jealous because he had you. He had someone who's mine. You tried so hard to talk to me and apologise but I didn't even listen to you. I wanted to, though. I just wanted to kiss you and tell you that I was sorry for reacting that way. But I couldn't because you probably see me only as your little brother. And I can't afford to lose you. I couldn't sleep that night but I was too full of myself to give you a call and ask you to come over, but I'm glad that you called me that night. I'm so glad that you came back to me. Having your arms around me, makes me feel safe, like nothing could ever harm me.
I wish I could do the same for you.

I miss you Taehyung. Please come back.

Forever yours,

Shutting the journal, I wiped away my tears and got up to place it back in the corner I picked it from, before crawling into my bed and clenching the sheets around myself. I don't know if it was hope or it was because of the truth that I loved and trusted Taehyung to be there for me, always, that made me leave one last text for him. So I did.

JK: Taehyung, please come back. I'm scared and I need you. Please.

And with that, I left my phone on the bed side table and hid myself completely under the blankets, trying to count the sheep. I don't know who even invented the idea of counting sheep to easily put anyone to sleep, but whoever it was, had surely been out of his mind  because I wasn't even anywhere near to falling asleep. I just tossed and turned in my bed with my head full of a certain boy.

I loved his warmth and the smell of his cologne and I loved the way he pulled me closer to himself, as if proving it, that I belonged to him and him only. I loved the way he caressed my back and played with my hair when he thought that I was asleep. I loved the way he made me feel that I was safe whenever he was beside me.

But now that I was alone, I wasn't feeling safe at the slightest  and the sound of someone walking inside my room was not helping at all. It was all of a sudden when I heard padding of feet against the hard wood floor, and I couldn't contain my fear. Who was here? How did they come in? Where was Tae?
I need him.
The person's footsteps closed up to my bed and I broke out into tears again, clenching the sheets around my body to keep myself away from whoever it was. I shifted towards the way end of my bed and towards the wall when I felt the bed go down a little due to someone's weight.

Taehyung please. I need you. Help me.

The covers were lightly pulled away from my shivering body, and I instantly choked on my own saliva when I felt their strong arms closing around my waist, pulling me to their rock hard chest. But the strong smell of the cologne was all too much familiar that in an instant, I realised who it was.

"Shh.. it's okay baby. I'm here. I'm here to protect you." It was Taehyung. It was his angelic voice whispering soothing words beside my ear while one of his hands was making small circles on my cheek. Upon hearing his voice, I didn't hesitate to turn around in my bed and instantly threw my arms around him, tightly. 

He was back. He was right here, next to me with his arms curled around my body radiating warmth.
"Where were you? I was so scared! You didn't even see my texts or call me once!" I cried, not wanting to move away from his warmth and rested my head in his chest.
"I'm sorry I accidentally left my cell phone in my car and I forgot to text you guys. I didn't want to make you worry about me."

"You're an asshole but it's okay now. You're here and it's all that matters. You're here with me." He truly was. I knew this wasn't just a dream because I did feel safe in his arms. At that moment, I wished to be forever like this. I didn't care that I wanted the time to stop right now, even though it was dark and I had always been afraid of the dark because all that mattered to me was the Taehyung was here. He was here to protect me. He wouldn't leave me. I knew it in my heart that he wouldn't.

"Tae, don't leave me ever? Promise?" He looked down at me with his brown eyes that I've come to love with his lips slightly parted as he thought of something to say. It was now that I noticed, than even though it was really cold outside, I could only feel the warmth, because all this time, I had been resting against his bare chest. My cheeks flushed pink as I realised that but kept my head down to hide it whilst waiting for him to answer.
"I'll promise if you do. Promise me that you won't ever leave me."

And I did. I promised him in a heartbeat. Through my words, I promised that I wouldn't ever leave him, but in my mind I promised also to never stop loving him. But of course, he didn't know that, and he probably won't come to know of it any time soon.

In a matter of a few seconds after that, Tae fell asleep while making soothing circles on my arm. He looked so ethereal, like an angel when he slept that I couldn't help but place a kiss to his forehead, before resting my head on his chest and letting myself give in to the comforting warmth while listening to his heart beat.

And the second chapter is done, done and done!! I hope you guys liked it, though? If you have any suggestions or anything to ask, please just don't hesitate. Drop your questions in the comments section and I would surely reply to them. And also, please give it a like! Thank you and I hope you have a great and a very happy day ahead of you.!

I purple you.

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