Chapter 27

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(Taehyung's POV)

I don't know what took over me when I lashed out on Jungkook almost an entire week ago. It wasn't likely for me to be so cold towards anyone, let alone him, and the guilt of it was really bugging me everyday.

I talked about this at the dinner that night too, with my hyungs and all of them said that if I really did feel bad about it, then I should just straight up apologize to him. When they said that, I have to admit it seemed pretty easy to do, but when it was time for me to look at Jungkook, it all went down.

This continued for an entire week and I ended up ignoring him through out the time. It's not like it even mattered to him if we talked anything at all, but it did get a little awkward when we were working together for the project. Not wanting to bring my personal issues into my professional life, I gathered up the courage and asked him if he wanted to accompany me to the meeting for the project we were working on and he surprisingly said yes.

He was hesitant, which was really a given because being in such professional meetings and in front of people like them, things could get a little overwhelming.

At least it did to me.

But as long as I was there with him in that room, no one had the courage to even think of saying something bad to him. No one. I was really surprised when he started with the whole presentation and put his point of views across very clearly, even though he was a little nervous in the beginning, it reduced a bit later.

I payed attention to every single detail even though I did not want to, and noticed just how well he composed himself at times like these. What shocked me more was the fact that he did everything as if this project meant something to him. Like it does to me. Or maybe it was just the fact that he really had worked hard on this, it could be anything, honestly.

After the meeting ended and when I had signed the papers of the deal with the others, we walked out together and it was then that the Investors appreciated Jungkook. They were all really impressed with him, to the extent that they hoped to see him the next time we decided to meet for discussion. This never happened when I came with Sehun hyung.
Okay, maybe once or twice, but it was only after a few meetings and not instantly.

What else do you expect? It's Jungkook, we're talking about Tae. He's the definition of perfect.

I did agree with the voice in my head, it was true. Jungkook has always been perfect and well, he doesn't need to prove it again and again, especially not to me. So after walking the Investors out, I walked in and told Jungkook about what they said, the look on his face was absolutely worth it.

It was only then that we went ahead for Ice cream as I had promised my angel that we would. I didn't mind bringing Jungkook with us, because angel wanted him to come, so that's that.

We went to Chin Hae's favourite ice cream shop where him and I usually go and settled down to discuss our orders, well more like Jungkook's, because I knew my angel would have his favourite- chocolate chip and I wanted a green tea ice cream. We had to wait for the other to decide on his order.

"Jeon, we don't have an entire day. Just take whatever you want." I said, standing at the empty counter while holding up Chin Hae on one arm. Jungkook continued to stare at all the mouth watering flavours in front of him, probably thinking about which one to have when i had to clear my throat again as the cashier lady was getting impatient.

"Uh, sir I'll just have whatever you're having. This is really confusing." He said, scratching the back of his neck, making me chuckle knowingly.
"Call me Taehyung," I said to him before turning towards the lady, " One chocolate chip and two Green tea ice creams, please."

As she registered, the total amount displayed on the screen in front us and I took my wallet out to pay for it when Jungkook tried to stop me. The key word here, being 'tried', because there was no way in hell I was letting him pay. He has already helped me very much with the project, so consider this as a payback.

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