Chapter 33

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All of it was rather unexpected for the younger while he stared at the three very familiar figures, sitting right in front of his eyes, talking to each other- laughing, as they completely ignored him.

Jungkook didn't care if his friends did that, but he seemed to make a huge deal about it because it was Taehyung's attention that he needed, all to himself. It's only been what? 15 minutes since they were introduced to each other and they're already chatting away like they're best friends!

Again, he just wanted Taehyung, all to himself. So, with that in mind, the younger snuggled closer to the guy next to him in such a way that their thighs and knees were touching, the same with their shoulders. Jungkook took the opportunity to slide his hand down into his hyung's and hold it tightly while leaning his head to rest on Taehyung's comfortable shoulder.

A soft hum escaped his throat at the comfortable and relaxed position he was is, whereas Taehyung felt as if all the blood in his body was rushing up to his neck, cheeks and ears making them feel hot all of a sudden because of the position they were in.

They were basically cuddling.

It came off as a shock to him when Taehyung didn't even make the slightest effort of moving away from the comfortable position, but why would he complain? Jungkook was loving every second of it.

"So, Hyung what do you do? Besides being the CEO, that is." Bambam asked, sipping on the coffee that he made for himself and his boyfriend while Taehyung and Jungkook were given soft drinks, since neither of them wanted to have caffeine at that moment.

"Nothing much. Just spend time with my family for the most part, or go out with them." he answered plainly. Jungkook, although was is such a comfortable position next to the guy he loves, he was basically trying his best to stay attentive in the entire conversation they were having, so that he could stop his best friends whenever he thought that their next question would make Taehyung uncomfortable in the slightest.

"You don't go out with anyone else?" Yugyeom asked, "Like as in dates?"

This question wasn't exactly uncommon to Taehyung as he had been in a habit of hearing it very frequently, in the interviews, from his clients and even some strangers, so he didn't mind answering it. Though, he did think twice when he felt the person next to him adjust himself on the couch still with his eyes closed. Looking at Jungkook, he seriously gave thought to the fact that he hadn't been on a single date in the past three years, and the last time that he did was with the younger, himself.

Did Jungkook go out with someone?  Maybe he did. Just because I waited for him doesn't mean that he did too.

"I didn't have the time to go out. I have more important matters to take care of." he answered, truthfully while looking at the two guys, starting to give him weird smiles, at the same time when Jungkook whispered in his ear, "That's good to hear."

It's good to hear that Taehyung has basically been celibate ever since the other left? No dates, no skinship, no sex. Wait did he ever, even have sex before that?

Taehyung's head cocked to the opposite as he stared down at the younger in confusion, and before he could voice his question, Yugyeom interrupted him with a loud clap.
"What.. What he means to say is that, Jungkook-ssi has been the same. He hasn't gone out with anyone."

The eldest of them all had a strange urge of rolling his eyes on hearing those words from his friend, because for starters, he thinks that someone with a charm, personality and face like Jungkook's, it was impossible for him to not date for a long time. With that in mind, Taehyung scoffed without saying anything before sitting up straighter in his place and pried Jungkook's hand away from his bicep.

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