Chapter 52

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Jimin's POV

"Hyung, I don't think we should be the one's telling him all of this." I requested, for probably the tenth time after ending the call with Jungkook. I couldn't help but wait, walking back and forth in front of Yoongi hyung as he sat down on the couch.

He tried using several ways to help me calm down, soothing words, hugs, kisses and even tried singing, but nothing helped. I think the both of us were stuck with the question as to how we should tell Jungkook what he asked for. Both of us knew that it was neither of our places to tell him, but will Taehyung be willing to tell him about this himself?

"Jimin-ah you should calm down. I don't think you'd be able to help Jungkook if you're going to stress yourself out. He could be here any minute." Yoongi said, handing me the glass of water in his hand and patted the empty seat next to him. It's all fair that Taehyung should be telling him, but he was busy with work and he wouldn't have the energy to talk about this, after it.

Both our hearts leaped in shock when the doorbell rang and Yoongi shot himself up from the couch to get the door, and I made his way to the kitchen, getting the tea ready for Jugnkook.

It might help to calm down his nerves.

I swear this wasn't the way I thought I'd react at the time of meeting Jungkook, but here I am, trying to calm down in my own kitchen.

Fucking hell.

Taking my phone out, I tried to call Taehyung, letting the bell ring till the end hoping that he would answer me, but as expected he must be busy with the meeting. I almost jumped when someone's hand pressed against my shoulder, squeezing it and another hand reached out to my own. Yoongi hyung kissed my temple softly, brushing back the hair on my forehead while smiling.

"Jungkook's asking for you, love." he whispered next to my ear, massaging my shoulder as I looked at him. My eyes were almost on the verge of tearing up hearing those words from Hyung because I didn't expect that after all this time, Jungkook would ask to see me.

"I think he wants to talk to you, I'll get this for you guys and give you sometime, okay?"

"W-Why does he want to see me?" I don't know why I stuttered asking that question, my heart was beating wild inside my chest at the thought that Jungkook wanted to see me. Yoongi hyung didn't answer my question, instead he kissed my cheek and softly whispered beside my ear, telling me to go and that it's going to be okay.

Taking in a deep breath, I walked back to the living room as slow as I could and thinking to the side about what was going to happen.

My chest did get heavier as soon as I stepped in the living room, seeing Jungkook sitting on the couch with his head down and feet tapping nervously. I guess both of us were really nervous, huh.


The following events seemed like they happened in a spilt second, when Jungkook got up from the couch and practically ran towards me, engulfing me into a bone crushing hug with his arms around my shoulders. I was so shocked to actually wrap my hands around him because he had done this all of a sudden, completely throwing me off the ground. And it was only after a good few minutes that I hugged him back.

I do not still like him, but I missed him so much.

"Hyung.. I'm so sorry for everything. I really am." he whispered against my ear as his chin rested on my shoulder. My arms tightened around his broad shoulders hearing his soft sniffles, and I swear my heart dropped to my stomach.

"Shh.. I'm here. Hyung and I are here."

It took him a few more minutes to calm down, breathing turned to normal as he regained his composure and tried to straighten his already crumpled shirt. It was at that moment that I had taken a real look at this guy, he didn't look the same, but at the same time he did. Jungkook's eyes that Taehyung had always described as "the eyes that hold the galaxies", they look the same, or probably a little more clearer than before.

His nose still got red from whenever he cried, and he was still as buff as ever. No wait, he was more muscular than the last time I had seen him. I couldn't help, but a little smile creep onto my lips as Yoongi hyung settled down behind us on the couch, signaling us to do the same.

Physically pulling him slightly, I made Jungkook settle down on the couch next to me and opposite to Hyung as I continued stroking his back. Never did I ever have this thought that Jungkook would be sitting here, in Yoongi hyung's and my house for the first time and that too like this. I didn't think he'd be crying, hell I didn't even think that he'd make it back in time.

"Do you want to have some tea? Hyung made it for you." I whispered, still stroking his back and softly massaged the back of his neck too. When he nodded, Yoongi hyung pushed himself up from the couch with the cup in his hand and gave it to Jungkook. He didn't even bother to make his way back to the couch across us, instead just sat on the coffee table in front of us.

We waited patiently for something around half an hour for Jungkook. It was just him sipping softly on the Tea I had made with his eyes focused on the cup, while Yoongi hyung and I exchanged looks a couple of times. In this moment, all we wanted was for our youngest to calm down.

"Thank you for letting me come here. " He said in such a soft voice that I almost didn't recognize it. Almost as if I had forgotten how his soft voice sounded like and all the other times that I heard him, it was pretty normal, but I don't know if it was only me who had a thought like this.

"It's okay. This is your home too. You can come here anytime you want." Yoongi hyung said, ruffling Jungkook's hair making both of us smile. I didn't cover my smile when Jungkook chuckled.

Seeing him smile like that even though he had just cried like a few minutes ago, it made my heart warm and it was then that the realization hit me; I had missed Jungkook. When Hyung said that, our maknae looked over to me, as if he was asking for some sort of validation, and I gave it to him. I nodded.

"Now, are you ready to tell us why you were crying like that?"

If it was even possible, Jungkook slouched more in his place, shoulders slumped down further while resting his head on the knees.
"I don't know.. I don't know if Taehyungie Hyung has told you about last night or not?" He asked, looking between both, Yoongi hyung and I.

When I had talked to Taehyung last night, he did tell me everything so I said yes to Jungkook, too. I told him that him and I had chatted last night while he was drunk and asleep. He seemed a little shaken by it for some reason, like not shaken to be exact. It was more like I could see his ears and cheeks being red, maybe he was embarrassed.

Could be.

"Well that is what must've happened. Last night when I went home after an argument with Tae, I was like really sad. I wasn't able to sleep and he had also told me to take a day off."

"I was so angry at myself for everything. I shouldn't have lashed out on him like I did. I admit that I was jealous because Hyung was going out with Bogum. And I let my anger get the best of me. And I was home the entire day yesterday, thinking about him. I wanted to call him so many times, but I just didn't have the courage so I ended up switching my phone off." Jungkook said, pulling his hair a bit harshly.

"Well, I don't know if I should tell you or not, but Taehyung was worried to the core about you. He called you so many times, even in the morning but you didn't pick up." I said, smiling softly at him.

"I know I'm an idiot." he sighed, "I went out in the evening, though, to the local bar near my house. I had gone there with Yugyeom before so that's the only place I could think of at the moment. I went there, had a couple of drinks, paid for them and I remember going out. I don't remember anything after that."

Yoongi hyung and I looked at each other and I think both of us had the same thought.

This was going to be one long evening.


Ah I feel weird for some unknown reason and my mind is seriously not working, I don't know what to do.

Bu anyways, I hope you like the chapter and enjoy!

I purple you!

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