Chapter 19

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Namjoon ended up sleeping in his seat even though its hard surface had been very much uncomfortable to his back and neck, meanwhile Taehyung just walked back and forth in the hallway, his mind reflecting the events of yesterday.

He couldn't even sleep a wink because whenever he closed his eyes, Jungkook's smiling face would flash in front of them, like he was standing right there. Everytime he did the same and saw the younger, all he wanted to do was pull the guy all to himself and never let him go, but it all vanished into thin air as soon as he opened them & it all came back to reality.

It was only at 6 in the morning that he had been allowed to see his father, as the doctors- after being done with the tests had sedated him to let him rest. Passing those few months without seeing his parents had been enough torture for Taehyung and the absence of the guy he loved was only adding to the list. He knew that a time would come when he'd see his father taking his last breaths, but he had imagined that his hyungs and Jungkook would be right next to him, holding his hand like promised, but now he wasn't so sure.

It was his mom who had informed that his father had woken up and was asking to see his son; without wasting another second, Taehyung burst through the door as his heart dropped at the sight in front of him.

His father, his hero- who had the most fittest body, the perfect wheatish colour to his skin, the perfect hair and the strong voice that Taehyung admired so much, was weak. He didn't look anything like before. The perfect wheatish colour to his body had now turned pale, he had lost so much weight and muscle. Taehyung noticed the dark circles under his father's eyes and a tear rolled down his cheek as his gaze travelled to all the IV tubes connected to his body. Just underneath his nose was a transparent tube helping him to breathe as he cracked a smile, forcefully. He lift his hand a little as if asking his son to come closer and hold it; Taehyung understood and instantly did the same, trying to fight back his tears because he didn't want his father to see him this weak.

When he sat down on the chair next to the bed, his dad caressed Taehyung's cheek like he did before. The touch was felt the same, filled with love and care, but it missed the warmth. His hands were cold as the slender fingers traced Taehyung's features.

"Your mother is right. You've grown up to be so handsome, Taehyung."

There was something broken in his father's rasp voice and Taehyung noticed it the first thing. It shattered his heart to see his hero like that, lying on a hospital bed with almost no energy, tubes connected to his body to help him breathe properly. A tear escaped his eyes which was instantly wiped away by his dad.

"Taehyung, look at me, " he ordered, pushing his son's chin up with his index finger, " You don't have to do this, son. I've always wanted you to follow your dreams and that doesn't change now."

Taehyung's father inhaled a sharp breathe as he continued, "It never will because your mom and I will always support you."

"Papa," he whispered and held back a sob,
" I am following my dreams. I want to do this. I've always wanted to make you and mom proud and that is what I'm trying to do." He said, referring to their business that he's supposed to take over officially in a few days.

Then expressions on his father's face changed from that of smile to a very soft look.
"Taehyungie, you made us proud the day you were born." He let out a chuckle making the other crack a smile in return.

"If you feel, at any time that you don't want to do it, then you're always free to do what you want as long as it makes you happy. Understood?"

"Yes papa."

"Good, now give your old man a damn hug."
With that said, Taehyung instantly jumped up from his seat, resting his hands on either side of his father while his cheek was on his broad chest. Weakly, his father wrapped an arm around his back, trying to comfort his son, but little did he know that those tears were not only because of him, they were the cause of someone else's absence too.

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