Chapter 88

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I hope this chapter will make you people love me a little :) because I already love you!

Happy reading!


Jungkook's POV

I visibly gulped when Taehyung bent down to kiss the side of neck. He didn't even give me a chance or an explanation about why he was doing—whatever it was. Chin Hae was still on the phone, talking adorably about how much he was going to miss me and how he wanted me to come back soon, but my mind couldn't decipher just what to focus on now.

Should I focus on the fact that the love of my life was planting love bites to the side of my neck, gently biting the spot and moaning in my ear, or the fact that Chin Hae was being so adorable on the other side?

"I miss you, please come home soon, Kookie Appa."

I'll come ho- wait what?

I sat straighter against the headboard, and by now Taehyung had moved back to stare at me while trying to bite down the smile coming on his cherry lips. Shocked would really be an understatement if I used it to describe the feeling that shot inside my body when Chin Hae said that word.

"Chin Hae, baby what— what did you say?" I questioned, my hold tightening around Taehyung's waist and I stared into his almond eyes which were looking at me with such a soft expression that made me melt right then and there.

"I love you, Appa. Come home." Chin Hae giggled after that.

He called me Appa. Chin Hae called me Dad.

Is this what Taehyung was talking about? A family actually waiting for me to come home to?

A family with my Taehyung?

I saw Taehyung grinning at me and nodding his head, as if he was trying tell me quietly that all of what was happening, was really true and not a dream.

"I love you too, my little champ. I will come home very soon, okay? I will miss you so much." I whispered bringing the phone closer between Taehyung and my lips, while looking at the love of my life who was blushing for some reason, but I couldn't deny that he still looked like an absolute angel.

"Kookie Appa and I love you, my angel. I will see you tomorrow, okay?" He said, waiting to hear the same from our son, before asking him to give the phone back to Jin Hyung. I still couldn't believe that Chin Hae had called me 'Appa', and I still do not know how to react to it.

Can I say that? Can I call Chin Hae 'our son'?

I want to jump and scream and kiss the hell out of Taehyung for giving me this, and-- and for trusting me with this. I don't know, what I should do besides smiling here like a goof and staring at him.

Taehyung leaned more towards me, pressing his lips against mine and I didn't miss a beat to kiss him twice as hard to show him how much he meant to me. I know he loved it when I used nicknames for him, but I feel like right now, there was nothing that could ever help me in describing just what I feel. Nothing has ever been enough to help me put it out there, just what I really felt for Taehyung and what I've always felt for him, and God, I can only wish to hold on tight to this man for the rest of my life.

"So you'll be a father too now, Kookie?" I heard Jin Hyung's voice blaring through the speaker, clearly implying that he had heard the conversation and was too happy because of it. Just when I was about to answer to him, Taehyung broke the kiss and moved next to my ear.

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