Chapter 38

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Jimin wasn't angry to say in the least. He could never stay mad at Taehyung for far too long, but everything had an exception and this time there really was. He had seen the both of them together, standing so close to each other, their lips against the other. Jimin knew that this was bound to happen someday, what he didn't think was that it would be this early, only after meeting each other a matter of weeks ago.

Everything was escalating faster than he had imagined.

The moment he received a call from Mrs. Chao asking him if he had some sort of argument with Taehyung, the guy knew that his best friend had another fight with someone. Jimin felt a little bad because Taehyung hadn't yet told him the entire thing, but at the same time he tried to understand the completely stupid reason behind it.

After putting his plates in the sink, Jimin went straight to the balcony connected to Taehyung's master bedroom and stared at the city lights, letting the cool breeze whip his hair in odd directions. At this point, he was conflicted between wanting Taehyung to come to him first, or hearing Jungkook out.

There was a part of him that really wanted Taehyung to give the other a chance, or at least hear him out before coming onto a conclusion, but the other part of him wanted his best friend to not let the guy in again.

As he leaned on the railing, wondering what must be happening between the two guys when he felt a strong hand around his waist, shocking him in return, but calmed down instantly when he saw who it was.

Taehyung's soft blue hair was going around in every direction, the same as Jimin's as he stood close to the other, their upper arms touching ever so slightly while the blue haired guy stared at the sight in front of him.

"Did he explain everything?" Jimin asked, studying his best friend's face and met with his eyes as soon as he turned his head with a smile.

"I waited three years for the explanation, Jimin-ah, a few more hours won't hurt me." He answered, letting out a chuckle and guided his hand from his best friend's waist to rest on his shoulder. A smile came on to the elder's face hearing the response, and also with the thought that his best friend had chosen him instead of the guy he loves.

"I'm sorry you had to see that. I know you haven't forgiven him yet, and I'm an idiot for being inconsiderate of your feeli-"

"You'll be more than just an idiot if you complete the sentence, Tae." Jimin held the resting hand on his shoulder and uncurled it, to intertwine their fingers together while stroking the back of Taehyung's large hand with his small thumb.

"I forgave him the moment he said that he loves you and that you're the reason he's back," he said, looking at the guy next to him and turned to the sight in front of them.
"You don't have to apologise for kissing the person you love, Tae. I'm sorry too for the way I acted before, it's just I knew that this was going to happen someday, but I didn't imagine it to be this soon. Why didn't you push him away when he kissed you, though?"

"He didn't. I was the one who kissed him first."

"You what?!" The smaller guy stared with his mouth agape in shock on hearing those words escape his best friend's mouth fluently.

"I knew he was going to come because Yoongi hyung told me and I actually forgot that he already knew where I lived. It was completely unlikely of me to make such a move first, but I don't regret it."

Knowing that more things were going to ooze out of his mouth, Jimin decided on staying quiet and let Taehyung continue.

"It felt the same, but at the same time it didn't, you know? It's confusing, really. It's like, I'm happy that he's back, but I'm also scared that he'll leave again. I don't want to go through that again, especially not when I have a family and business to take care of."

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