Chapter 81

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I purple you guys :)

Also, it's like 3:30 in the morning here, so I'm gonna go and sleep!

Happy reading

It didn't take long after that for Jungkook to actually let the other know that he felt the same, and was only waiting for him to be comfortable enough for the next step. Clearing that out of the way, their clothes were discarded somewhere on the ground, leaving Jungkook only in his boxers and Taehyung still dressed with his shirt opened— minus the pants.

Taking in the sight in front of him, Jungkook inwardly felt like smacking himself for being so lucky to find Taehyung. His eyes roamed around the elder's heavily rising and falling chest, the opened shirt exposing his perfect honey dipped skin, and the toned frame. He could already see dark love bites forming on his boyfriend's neck, which made him smile all the more. Taehyung's eyes were closed knowing that Jungkook was staring at him, and it made him blush to be the center of his boyfriend's attention now that he was lying down almost naked in front of him, waiting to be taken completely by Jungkook.

On the left side of his face and next to it, Taehyung felt the couch dip down a little and a pair of eyes boring into him.

"Are you sure, Taehyung? You kn-"

"I'm so sure, Jeon I swear and if you don't do anything right now, I'll kill you in your sleep." Taehyung whispered, his teeth gritting at the tight feeling in his boxers and what only caused him to moan more louder was when Jungkook rubbed his own hard-on against the elder's while biting his lip at the sudden pleasure shooting up and down his spine.

"Oh baby, I promise to make you feel loved and full every time that you want me to," Jungkook leaned down to Taehyung's ear level before taking over his lips, and pulled him into a heated, passionate kiss.

Sliding his tongue inside his boyfriend's mouth, and managing to win another sinful, but absolutely perfect moan from him, they fought for dominance over the other before Taehyung gave in and let Jungkook take over the kiss completely.

As if the friction in between them wasn't enough, Taehyung let his hands wander up and down Jungkook's strong, muscular back, eventually moving further down to play with the waist band of his boxers.


The feeling of his boyfriend's long slender fingers sliding inside his boxers and squeezing his hips was more than enough to make Jungkook go crazy at that point. He didn't wait further to detach his lips from Taehyung's and move down to his chest while planting it with soft kisses and a little bit of biting— enough to arouse more love bites on his honey coloured body.

"Jun-- Jungkook~"

The said man moved his tongue over Taehyung's chest, sucking on his right nipple and the other, taking his time to make his other feel waves of pleasure. While doing so, one of Jungkook's hand reached down to caress his boyfriend's clothed area and felt him jerking his lower body in air to come in contact with Jungkook's lower body again and again.

"Oh god!" The elder moaned loudly, feeling a warm hand wrap around his length while slowly moving up and down, at an excruciatingly painful pace. Jungkook moved back to rid Taehyung of his boxers, and the same for his own before kissing his way down to Taehyung's abdomen and crotch.

Hearing a hum of approval from Taehyung, Jungkook didn't hesitate to take his boyfriend's length partly in his mouth since doing it entirely wasn't possible. The guy had seen enough videos to know how to pleasure his beloved, that he didn't miss one chance to make Taehyung moan and scream his name. Jungkook wanted their first time to be memorable, he wanted to make love to Taehyung in every single way possible.

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