Chapter 85

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I really, really want to thank all of you for the place this book has achieved. It would never have been possible without you. Thank you.

I purple you.


Stopping outside a two story house, Taehyung let his eyes wonder around it's huge exterior which seemed more than enough for one person. It was big, like really big and had perfect lighting even on the outside. The driveway to Jungkook's house was stretched far inside the boundary in such a way that the younger stopped his car only a little far away from the main doors.

Not liking the silent treatment at all, Taehyung poutingly got out of the car—feeling that he wanted to take that frown away from his lover's lips. So, he took it upon himself to do just that. Seeing that the younger was just about his way to the passenger side, Taehyung closed the door behind himself and slid to the one behind the passenger seat, staring at Jungkook.

"Let's go inside." Jungkook said, holding the elder's hand to pull him towards the main gate, but the latter pulled him back with a force—such that his body came closer to Taehyung's. Wanting to leave no space between them, he took Jungkook's strong hands and placed them around his waist, letting his own clasp around behind his neck.

"Taehyung, what're y-"

"Shh. No questions, just focus on me."


Jungkook's POV

"Shh. No questions, just focus on me."

Despite the lights, it was a little dark outside my house, I could clearly see Taehyung's perfect features standing so close to mine that our chests were touching. His voice came out in a whisper and hoarse, so much that it was enough to run a chill up and down my spine multiple times with the hair rising on my arms. I didn't understand just what was happening. I had gotten out of the car and was on my way to Taehyung's side so that I could open the door for him and go inside my house, but he was already standing outside, leaning against the door.

My entire attention was no doubt on him. It has always been hard and especially impossible for me to focus on anything else when the love of my life was standing so close and when I could feel his strawberry scent fanning my lips. I wasn't able to focus on his beautiful brown eyes solely, now that he was biting his lower lip and the strong urge to kiss him flashed so strongly over my senses that my hold tightened around his waist and pushed him more against the car.

And then, just when I was expecting him to kiss me and had my eyes closed already—like they do each time that Taehyung and I kiss, or whenever we're together. I felt his soft lips pressing on the side of mine, then very slowly moving against the line of my jaw and down to my neck. His hands pulled our lower bodies closer than before if it was even possible, but I didn't—I couldn't deny that I didn't like it.

Hell, in fact, this was one of the things about Taehyung that was like a huge turn on for me. I liked it when he initiated any sort of close contact with me, and seeing him bite his lower lip was enough to make me go crazy about him, all over again.

I felt him pressing butterfly kisses to the side of my neck, sometimes nibbling with his teeth on the spot. Just the feeling of him rolling his tongue over the mark made me want to moan, because I swear to God, that tongue could work wonders. I tried controlling in the first few seconds, but when he pushed down to the base and hit one certain place, I swear that was when I lost it. That, and at the same time, Taehyung rolled his lower body against mine which made me tighten the grip I had around his waist.

"Ta-Taeh.. ah fuck baby."

I heard him hum in response, and didn't miss the way his lips had curled up against my skin when he realized that he had found my sweet spot.

You're really trying to take over, aren't you?

I didn't give him the chance to do anything after that. Latching my hands under his thighs, I scooped him up in my arms so that his legs were around my waist and I held him in place against the car.

"Are you sure about this baby?"

"I want to show you that you're the one I will ever want and need. I'm sure about this Daddy." he whispered, staring down into my eyes and biting his lower lip like he does whenever he feels nervous. It made me smile, seeing his breathing so hard and blushing too that I couldn't help but mentally marvel at the sight of him and his existence.

Even under the dim light, Taehyung somehow managed to look absolutely ethereal and his features became more prominent; his addicting strawberry seemed to be more dominant as it was the only fragrance taking over my senses completely now.

That, and just the thought of having this angel all to myself forever.


I hope you guys like the next chapter because I tried something VERY new. I'll explain why in the next one!

If you like the chapters, please feel free to like and comment! Also, if you think that there are areas that I really need to improve in then please don't hold yourselves back. I really appreciate it, and plus, I really get genuinely happy when I see that someone leaves a comment on this book!

Take care of yourselves and I purple you!

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