Chapter 75

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Hi! I'm back, but I'll leave you guys to read hehe :)
Since I've already told you guys that there's a next book coming out, I wanted to little notes in each chapter for you guys. Could be quotes, or just little words of encouragement for you and everyone. Please look forward to it!

I hope you're taking good care of yourself. Please drink a lot of water and take precautions when you go out!

Thank you, I purple you :))

After the little intimate moment between Taehyung and Jungkook, even though neither of them wanted to leave just yet— they knew that it had to be done since the older was supposed to wake up early so that him and Jimin could catch a train to Busan.

Jungkook still felt bad knowing that he won't be able to stay near his beloved for the next two days, but he understood the reason behind the best friends' time away from all the city crowd. The wedding was almost on it's way in a month and half, and with it came several other preparations which needed to be done. It had been decided long ago that Jimin and Yoongi would be married in Seoul rather than either of their home towns, because the people closest to them lived in the capital itself while only their families lived in Daegu and Busan.

As promised to his beloved, Jungkook had decided against driving all the way to Taehyung's house just to see him off for the last time before he went away for two whole days. To say that the younger would him only miss him would be an understatement, in fact, he didn't even know just how he was going to spend the weekend.

At about 9 in the morning- Jimin, Taehyung and Chin Hae were already boarding the train from Seoul Station to Busan while having the happiest of smiles stretched on their faces. It was rather something unbelievable for the two friends, to still digest the fact that they were finally leaving for a two day vacation because this plan had been their books for such a long time.

Each time, just before they could start packing or even book their tickets one thing or the other aroused in such a way that the plan went completely down the drains in seconds. So, it quite a while for Taehyung to actually believe it for himself that he was finally here, with his best friend and son, in the train to Busan. There were still chances of the Paparazzi following the duo as it had been quiet a while since they made an appearance so casual, but even that couldn't falter their happy spirits.

A smile crept onto the said man's face as he stared at Jimin for a few seconds, thinking to himself,

This guy has not changed one bit in all these years. He's really just the same, and now he's going to get married. Starting a new life. And then, like Seokjin and Namjoon Hyung, him and Yoongi Hyung would want kids too, one day. Aish.

"What're you smiling about, Taehyung-ah?" Jimin asked, looking fondly at his friend while Chin Hae continued scribbling crayons across the notebook to make a scenery for his uncle and father.

"Do you remember that day we were out at like 4 in the morning, and you were drunk as hell?" the younger asked, looking earnestly and only grinned upon seeing his friend nod.

"How can I not? I think that was when we were in school, right? We were both upset about something and I ended up drinking with Yoongi Hyung. God, what was I even thinking?"

Their laughs echoed in a perfect sync, while reminiscing the memory. The sound managed to turn quite a few heads even in the particular train compartment, some of them realised the duo instantly but let the matters slide because after all, these guys deserved to have a normal life as well.

"You were so drunk, I swear Jimin-ah," Taehyung giggled, "You... You couldn't even walk.. walk properly."

"Of course, I was! I drank more than my capacity and I should've listened to Hyung."

"And as far as I remember," Jimin continued, his eyes turned into crescents, "it was only a day or two later that I kissed Yoongi Hyung."

"It was. There really was a time when we were confused if we liked guys or not, and look at us now."

Matching each other, the duo leaned back in their separate chairs only to close their eyes for a split second. The memory of them being confused about something like that flashed in front of their eyes and disappeared as soon as it had come.

"I was pretty sure that I liked guys. I was shocked when you said you're confused, though. Didn't you like- have a crush on that girl when we were in 11 grade?" Jimin asked, leaning more into the conversation as the topic that swirled up was something more of a gossip between the two friends.

A questionable expression made way to Taehyung's face, one of his brows raising up while looking at Jimin.

"What girl?"

"You know, Jennie? The one with brown hair and was really, really beautiful?"

"Hyung seriously? I've made it clear a lot of times before that I did not like her, neither did I have a crush on her. She was beautiful, yes, but not really my type." Taehyung answered, flicking Jimin's forehead with an unimpressed face.

"Then what was your type? Have you always been gay?" The other asked, lowering his voice a little to keep it audible only for his best friend. It wasn't as if they were ashamed of the fact that they were dating two of the most handsome men there could ever be in their eyes— no. It was more as if there were people who considered being gay, bisexual— and just having a different sexual preference, something of a disease or simply a bad thing.
For all they knew, such people could've been sitting around them in the train and were ready to bash them publicly upon hearing that.

It would've certainly ruined their entire holiday spirits.

"Who said I was gay?"

"Oh come on!," he exclaimed, "You've been in love with a guy for years now, Tae. And you say that you're not gay? Yeah, right."

"Besides Jungkook, I've never been attracted to any other guy.Sure," Taehyung paused for a few seconds before continuing.

"I've personally felt that a lot of guys that I've seen are attractive, even women too, but that's never been the same as Jungkook. It's not just his body or whatever that I'm attracted to.
I love him for the person he is, Hyung. I can't really put all of it into words, but that just what it is."

A dreamy smile came to the said man's face as he talked about his beloved. It was no secret that Jungkook and Taehyung were head over heels for each other and they were eagerly waiting to see just what the future has for them.

I love VMIN.

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