Chapter 77

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These past few days were so tough, with my internship, college work and home too that I couldn't update. I wasn't in the mind to write anything, and I'm sorry for that.
I hope you guys like this chapter, and if there's anything you want me to improve on then please let me know through the comments!

I purple you, and please take care of yourselves. Talk to me if you need to, I'm always here :)

Happy reading!

"What about, love? Is everything okay?" Jungkook questioned with eyebrows furrowed in the same expression. He saw the other sitting up and followed suit while biting his lower lip in deep confusion at the sudden statement. Taehyung himself had a worried expression on his face, much to the younger's dismay and craving to take the frown away from those cherry lips.

"Yes, everything's fine, but there's something that's been going on in my mind for a couple of weeks now and it's about you." he blurted, before quickly adding, "It's nothing bad, Jungkook. Really. It's just something I've been thinking about."

Not minutes or days, but weeks?! What has he been thinking? He's not going to break up with me, right?

He won't do that, you fool.

Taehyung loves you a lot. For fuck's sake he always makes time for you and calls you and visits you despite being so busy. Don't ever doubt his love for you, you stale ham sandwich.

"What is it Taehyung? I'm listening."

The addressed man gulped upon hearing his own name because even though it still knocked a breath out of his lungs, every time Jungkook used a nickname for him, it was more nerve wrecking when he used his name at such a serious time.

It's okay, Tae. He's listening. He'll understand what you're saying and he's not going to leave you. Jungkook loves you way too much for that and he promised to never leave ever again. Take a deep breath and tell him all of it. He deserves to know.

"It's umm..," he cleared his throat and sat up straighter to take Jungkook's strong hand in his own.

"I know you said that you won't leave this time and I believe you, but the thing is that you will have to go back someday." Taehyung's voice and his body was visibly shaking. Even though he had just started, there was a tightening feeling rising in his throat— as if this 'knot' was telling him to keep quiet and let things flow as they were.

He saw how lines of confusion made way to Jungkook's forehead as he leaned forward to free his hand from the elder's hold and cup his cheek.

"What are you saying, love? I told you that I'm not going back ever again and we've had this conversation before. I al-"

"I know, Jungkook, I know. I know you're not going to leave me or our family ever again, but you're not the only one who gets to decide that."

"What do you mean? Of course, I get to decide what I want to do with my life!" Jungkook's voiced raised one tone higher as he said those words. The feeling of drilling this thought into his beloved's mind seemed to be the only thing going on inside him.

"Jungkook, listen to me please. I don't mean it like that." the other murmured, holding on tighter to the hand in his own— almost pleading. Taehyung waited for Jungkook to speak, but only seeing his jaw tick and tongue poking his cheek, he decided that he needed to be more clear so that he could make Jungkook understand what he really meant instead of being angry.

"I love you, okay? And I want to see you happy and I want to be the reason for it. I want to help you grow, but I know that it won't happen unless you go back to Busan. I kn-"

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