Chapter 34

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"Hyung can you please come here for a second?" Taehyung's voice blared through the intercom on his assistant's desk.

Sehun jumped a little in his seat and mentally cursed himself for being so jumpy and lost since the last few days that his boss, even though a year younger than him was pointing out his mistakes, and the lack of his attention towards work.

He pushed the files away before walking to the office and knocked, waiting till he heard a soft 'come in' and entered with his head down, a little frustrated with all that's been going on his life.

Taehyung seemed to notice that his hyung was looking as if he was working low on some energy, but he didn't even have that much burden from his work. For all he knew, Sehun was told only to schedule and take care of his meetings and arrange the files, leaving the paperwork and everything else to the boss himself.

Seeing those dark circles under his eyes, Taehyung could figure that something was really off, so he called Sehun to his office for a private conversation. As the latter stood in front of him whilst staring at his shoes, Taehyung noticed that since the past few days his assistant had lost a little weight and he looked pale.

"Hyung, please sit down."

When the latter does as told, Taehyung takes off his glasses and pushes away those files to divert his entire attention to Sehun.
"I'm worried about you, hyung. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Taehyung-ah. You don't have to worry about me." He said, more like mumbled in a low voice as if he was trying to convince himself that he was okay, but the other could clearly see through the facade.

"I don't really believe that, hyung. You've lost weight, your skin looks pale, you don't know where your thoughts are and you almost fell this morning." Said the other, recapping this events of this morning, as Taehyung and Sehun were walking towards his office while discussing something important about the upcoming meetings when the latter was only seconds away from falling face down on the floor, tripping on his own feet. Luckily, Taehyung had reacted just in the moment  and had stopped his fall, holding his hyung's arm tightly.

When Sehun didn't bother to answer, or even so much as deny all of those things, Taehyung sighed and stood up from his chair to walk towards his elder.

"Hyung is there something bothering you? Anything that I can help you with?"

Sehun proceeded to look up at his boss, the soft expression of concern on his face made him want to speak his mind. So he did, "It's just.. my mother. With dad in the rehab, she's gotten all alone and I can't help, but worry about her."

"So what's stopping you from going to her?" Taehyung cocked an eyebrow in question while leaning against the table and crossed his arms across his chest.
"I can't just leave like that. There's a lot work going on here and you can't just han-"

"Sehun hyung, stop worrying about work. Family over work, remember? Your mom needs you, so I don't see why you shouldn't go to her right this instant and make sure she's okay?" Sehun looked up at his boss and sighed in defeat.

"Look, you can stop worrying about work, okay? I'll handle everything while you're gone because it's my fucking job." Taehyung reassured while the other just glared up at him.

"Language, kid."

"You're leaving." Taehyung rolled his eyes, but smiled at his hyung.

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