Chapter 94

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Truth be told, this actually happened to my sister in our cousin's wedding, so it just came up in my mind and I umm just wrote it.

Happy reading!


When the scene unfolded and the medical team of the Hotel arrived, Taehyung was taken towards the medical room itself, wherein no one was allowed till the time they conducted several tests and check ups. Almost everyone—including the newly wedded couple, their parents and the Hyungs, they stood on the outside of the room, feeling an air of uneasiness and anticipation surround them.

Jimin was sitting next to Yoongi who was busy taking Chin Hae's mind off of his Papa's condition, while Namjoon, Jin and Hoseok were trying to calm Jungkook.

Poor guy, his plan to surprise Taehyung and propose him had gone miserably wrong and had somehow ended up with the elder lying on a bed with IV tubes connected to his body while he was still unconscious. Namjoon sighed, watching their youngest pace back and forth with his eyes shot red, like his nose and quivering lips. He couldn't help but cry, not because their romantic moment had gone terribly wrong, but because he regretted not taking care of Taehyung properly.

He knew well that Taehyung was compromising on his health while doing the wedding preparations, and Jungkook should've been more persuasive of taking care of him. In such situations, where your beloved is lying on a hospital bed, completely knocked out with parched, cold lips and a burning forehead, it would be practically impossible for you to not blame yourselves for not taking care of them properly. And this was exactly what Jungkook was thinking.

"Jimin Hyung, Yoongi Hyung," Jungkook called out, his voice breaking a little, "You guys should go back and stay with the guests. It's still your Wedding, and take your parents with you, please."

"I'm not going anywhere. Not until that fuc—Not until, Taehyung wakes up. Him and I need to talk." Jimin declared, holding himself back from cursing since Chin Hae was right here.

"Hyung believe me, I know what you're going to say to Taehyung. I'm going to do that myself, but it's your wedding. You can't spend all of it here."

"Jimin-ah, I think Jungkook-ah right here." Jin spoke up, standing next to Jungkook with an arm around his shoulder for a support.

"Tae would feel bad if he got to know that you spent the entire time here. Go back for a while. If anything happens, I'll give you a call, okay?"

"No Hyung! He's supposed to feel bad about this. Taehyung's 24 for heaven's sake, Hyung. He's not a kid who wouldn't understand if he was feeling anything wrong within his body. He should've told us sooner and we could've gotten him treated before he collapsed."

Jimin ran his fingers angrily through his dirty blond hair and pulled them far back from his forehead. With his jaw taught and ticking with the feeling of anger which was rising in his chest, it was easy to decipher that this guy would only calm down if his husband said something to convince him. Which was why, both Jungkook and Jin looked at Yoongi for help.

"Babe, they're right. We know you're angry with Tae, and no one's stopping you from scolding him when he wakes up, alright? But for now we have to go back, you know how hard Taehyung-ah worked to plan all of this, don't you? We shouldn't let this go to waste."

With a few reluctant whines here and here, the duo somehow managed to get the couple to leave along with their parents and attend the rest of the ceremony. As they did, one of the doctors operating Taehyung stepped out of the room and was approached by Namjoon first, since he was sitting the closest to the room.

"Doctor, is everything alright? Is Taehyung up yet?"

"Uh, excuse me, you are?" the Doctor asked, casting a glance at Namjoon, Jin and Jungkook who were standing in front of him with worried eyes.

"Jeon Jungkook, Taehyung's fiancé. This is Namjoon and Seokjin, they're our family."

"Ah well, I have to say, I was clearly not expecting Mr. Kim to be brought in like this. It's nothing major, I can assure you, but looking at the fact that he has a fit body and mind, it was rather careless of him."

"What do you mean, Doctor? Is Taehyung really okay?"

"He is Mr. Jeon. The reason he fainted like that was excessive dehydration, shock, tension and extremely low blood pressure. He must've been having a breathing problem, and thankfully, he was brought here in the right time. If he was brought any later than this, then his body would've become more weak than it already was and we would've had to increase the medicinal dosage."

All the while, the Doctor shook his forehead in a disbelief sort of stance but looked again at the men standing in front of him.

"If it's okay with you, I suggest that you bring a fresh change of clothes for him—a little loose to his body, perhaps. It'll help him relax more and as I said, it was rather very careless of a person like him. As his fiancé, Mr. Jeon, I think you should let him take complete bed rest for a few days and see to it that he takes proper medicines and water."

Oh believe me, Doctor, I'm not letting my man get out of my sight.

"Thank you, Doctor. Can we meet him now?" Namjoon asked, earning a nod from the Doctor.

"Yes, but one at a time. And as for the medicines, the nurse will give you the prescription list. All you have to do is give the list to the medical shop down this hallway and tell them the room you're staying in. They'll be sure to send in a nurse from time to time to give the medicines and change the IVs."

"So we can take Taehyung back to the room?"

"Yes, you can ask the nurse to do it now if you wish."

Thanking the Doctor after that, Jungkook got eager to actually see his beloved, but stopped right in his path thinking that he was not in the clear mind to see him right now. His face was completely red with dried tears on his cheeks and plus, he was still angry with Taehyung. So he asked his hyungs to go in first while he got new clothes from their room and the medicines too.


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I purple you!

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