Chapter 28

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I feel sad for absolutely no reason and I stayed in bed, wrapped inside the sheets like a burrito for like a fucking hour. I don't feel like talking to anyone except for two people, but there is one more of my friend's that I want to talk to, but I think she's busy with something. I don't know anymore. I've been reading just the same as I did before, but I'm still fucking sad that I wanna scream.

But anyways, I love you! Leave a comment and like, tell me what you thought about this chapter!

After his sudden leave, everyone else at the dining table were left shocked to their core by his words. This wasn't the first time Taehyung had said something like this, but surely he had never been this persistent about it before.

The pleading look in his eyes was what put everyone into deep thought, his hyungs knew him well enough to come to the conclusion that something must've happened which in result, triggered such feelings, but obviously didn't know what.

Although, they did try to understand his point of view. He was one of the most important reasons as to why they were not yet ready to talk to Jungkook, but he wasn't the reason keeping them back entirely. When the younger left, he didn't only hurt Taehyung, but all of his hyungs too. He could've at least talked to them about it before leaving so abruptly and never once tried to contact them back.

It hurt them to think that maybe throughout all those years, Jungkook couldn't bring himself to trust his hyungs enough to share things with them.

There was no denying that all of them missed Jungkook, just as much Taehyung missed him, but that didn't mean that they'll just forget everything and move on. They were angry and yet, they wanted to talk to him. They needed answers, and of course Hoseok and Jimin already had them, since their meeting the day the rest of them were in the United States. Taehyung's words pushed them to at least think about it and it was enough.

It was Yoongi who spoke up first, breaking the cold silence around him.
"I think.. he does have a fair point. We should at least just talk to him." All heads turned to look at him, out of them all it was Jimin who seemed to be the most taken aback because it was his best friend this matter had been related to.

Jungkook hurt Taehyung, he left when Tae needed him the most and they're all ready to talk to him? I can never be convinced by Taehyung's words and push myself to talk to Jungkook, simply because I can't. I can't forget what he did and the effects it had on my best friend.

Why can't they understand  that Taehyung is still in love with Jungkook and that is why he's asking them to forgive him, this doesn't come out as an excuse for what happened!

Jimin glared at his fiance before pushing his chair back to stand up.
"I don't understand how you can even think of that? And you out of all the people?" he exclaimed looking down at Yoongi next to him before turning abruptly and walking past them towards his best friend's room while muttering a small, 'unbelievable', leaving the rest stunned.

Yoongi felt the urge to follow his fiance and stop him in his tracks, tell him that it was worth giving a shot because no matter how much he covered it with his hatred for Jungkook, Jimin missed him too. He just wasn't ready to look past the hurt and pain that the youngest caused his best friend. He wanted to do this, but decided against it and just looked at Namjoon for help.

Jin just stayed silent, trying to collect his thoughts and process what Taehyung and Jimin said just now. He was conflicted between his own emotions, thinking that their youngest- Taehyung, he had a fair point. Jungkook was finally back to Seoul and it was like a second chance given to all of them. He thought that they should at least try and talk to him, ask him about he had been in those three years, ask him the reason why he left and what not.

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