Chapter 25

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"God, he looked so handsome in that suit, Yugyeom. I can't even explain."

Jungkook gushed over the phone while washing the dishes of his breakfast. On the other side, his best friend-Kim Yugyeom barked out another laugh after hearing his love sick best friend talking about Taehyung's ethereal looks.

Ever since Jungkook and Yugyeom became best friends, the former had shared everything with him, from his family to his love as Yugyeom did too. Jungkook was actually the first one to meet his boyfriend- BamBam, and along with both of them, it was Jungkook's family who helped him come back to Seoul and correct his mistakes.

"Jungkook-ssi, I know Taehyung's hot, okay? You don't need you to tell me that." he answered as Jungkook scowled at that. No one can say for his Taehyung.

"Keep your eyes for your boyfriend, dimwit."

Hearing that, Yugyeom laughed again, knowing just how easy it was to make Jungkook jealous.
"Yeah yeah, but aren't you supposed to get going for you job? Or more like to get back what's yours?"

Drying his hands with the towel, Jungkook walked back to his room and stood at the edge of his bed, admiring the huge picture hanging on the wall behind it. Back when he was in Busan, the guy had decided on getting a picture developed so that he could hang it behind his wall, so when he came back to Seoul, Jungkook brought it with himself.

It had been a picture of him and Taehyung from when they were in College. Memories of that day came rushing to his mind, as he replayed the minute of when this picture had been taken. All of them had been sleeping over at Jin's house. The blue haired guy had his cheek rested against Jungkook's chest and hand on his stomach as the younger had one of his hands around Taehyung's small waist and the other resting on his hand.

It was perfect.

"Hello? Jungkook to earth? Are you there?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm here. I was just..", a sigh escaped Jungkook's lips, turning away from it, "Nevermind."

"You never told me about the way Taehyung reacted?" Yugyeom asked. Jungkook padded towards his walk in closet and took out a simple baby blue button up and white pants to pair it with.

"Cold. Colder than ice." he snickered through the phone and put it on speaker while discarding his sweats and T-shirt for fresh clothes before checking himself out in the mirror, hoping that his efforts of trying to impress a certain someone would be successful.

"Well you can't expect him to serve you tea and cakes, can you?" This time, instead of his best friend, it was BamBam- his boyfriend who answered with his sass making the both of them laugh. Pushing his wallet inside, Jungkook picked up the car keys and rushed towards the main door with exactly 15 minutes to spare.

"Your sass wasn't appreciated, but thanks anyways, guys. I have to leave for work."

"GO GET THAT ASS, JUNGKOOK!" HIs best friend and the boyfriend shouted through the phone as Jungkook snorted a laugh, getting inside his car to get back what was his.

On the other hand, Taehyung kept pacing around in his office, a pen held between his lips as Sehun explained something about the Shipment arriving a day later as scheduled.

"What was his name again?" He asked, pushing his hands inside his pocket, turning to face his assistant seated on the chair right across from his with a file in front of him.

"Mr. King." the guy did a double after hearing the name as a amused smile appeared over his face,
"King? The soon to go bankrupt 'King'?"

The amused smile soon changed into a smirk as he over to his assistant and flipped through the pages of the file in front of them. Reading through it's contents, Taehyung couldn't help, but feel confident about the meeting scheduled with the so called "Mr. King", who had been hell bound on not following his orders.

"That's not a good look, you know? You look like some evil ring master." Sehun tsked, and leaned back in his chair to get a full view of his boss and check him out shamelessly at the same time.

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