Chapter 8

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For the first time in almost over 3 years, after that day had forever changed the way Taehyung saw and lived through his life, he was finally feeling a little happiness. After he had found out that his father, his hero had cancer and was dying with each passing day, he had almost forgotten about everything and anything that made him happy.

His smiles no longer reached up to his eyes, his ears no longer perked up at the mere mention of Painting or singing. He felt as if there was no reason to be happy. But it's ironic how everything could change in only a matter of few hours.

Last night, when he snuggled close to a shivering Jungkook, his Jungkook, Taehyung had felt happy. He did feel at calm whenever he was with the younger. But last night he had felt something different inside his mind and body, especially his heart. He had never noticed how his heartbeat fastened whenever he was with Jungkook or the way he blushed and smiled with him, until last night.

Taehyung had always had this fear in the back of his mind that one day, just like father, everyone he loved would leave him eventually and that was what kept him from getting close to anyone. He never believed that people actually kept their promises of staying together or not leaving the other.

How could he, when he knew it in his heart that he would soon lose his own father?

But when Jungkook promised him last night that he wouldn't ever leave Taehyung, he seemed to believe it in a heartbeat, not even doubting it once. He had the most peaceful sleep last night and felt genuinely happy to have woken up next to him.

For about half an hour after waking up, Taehyung couldn't bring himself to leave the younger and go for his usual run, while he looked absolutely beautiful. So he stayed in bed for another half hour before finally going out. That day, he felt something really different inside him, he was feeling happy after a really long time and he just wanted to savour every bit of it.

But who knew how long it would last?

After coming back to Jungkook's house, all drenched in sweat, he decided to dry himself off first and took off his shirt. In the past years, whenever Taehyung was alone with his thoughts, the only thing he could ever think of was the past, and for some strange reason, although he was thinking, it wasn't about the past. It was about his future.

A future with Jungkook.

He wasn't sure that it would be possible, just yet. He didn't even know if the other liked him or not, because Taehyung loved him.

He had loved him ever since they had started to get to know each other, but obviously didn't make it that obvious.

It was just some, or maybe all of his actions that lead everyone to decipher that Taehyung was madly head over heels for Jungkook while the other was completely oblivious to it. And the fact that he was really popular because of his kind nature and a completely greek god like body, was what made Taehyung all the more alluring to other people as well. So much that he got confessed to, in the most weirdest of ways, but that didn't distract him a bit.

He always put their confessions down as politely as he could by saying that he was in love with someone else and was not, by any chance going to hurt them or the person who had confessed by accepting their proposal. This had been going on for as long as the seven of them could remember.

Jimin, Taehyung's best friend since high school obviously knew about his feelings for Jungkook as well as Jungkook's feeling for him, but he never dared to say a word to either of them because of the promises he made to them. So shutting his mouth, he just kept quiet and let the things flow as they were between Taehyung and Jungkook.

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