Chapter 22

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{3 years later}


(Hoseok's POV)

Any moment now. They could be coming out of the gates anytime now and the only thing I could wish for was Jimin to be with me right now. I didn't want to face them all by myself, especially after what happened yesterday.

Where the fuck is that mochi when you need him? Sleeping. Right.

Just like Yoongi hyung had asked, I parked a little far from the arrival gates to avoid the media and getting flash mobbed  and waited for them to come in Taehyung's car. Checking my wristwatch  for the time, I wondered what was keeping them away for so long because hyung had texted me as soon as they touched Seoul, which was 20 minutes ago.

They should've been here by now. 

How am I supposed to tell them about what happened yesterday? How should I tell them about the little meeting Jimin and I had, unexpectedly with someone? Especially Taehyung? Oh my god, this is everything we were dreading and it's happening, how the fuck am I supposed to let my mind settle that? 

With my eyes fixed on the road ahead, I jumped a little on my seat when I heard a hard knock on the window. In realisation, my eyes widened when I saw Yoongi hyung giving me an annoyed look through the glass and without wasting time, I unlocked the back door before getting out myself to face him, as the rest were still making their way through the crowd.

"Both of you have some shit to explain." Yoongi hyung said, before walking towards the back and pushed the suitcase in.

Jimin told him, didn't he? 

I wanted to slap my forehead, and I did, mentally.

With that being said, he placed his bags in the back of the car and got inside, leaving me to wait for the others. Through the crowds, I heard someone call for me and a smile appeared on my lips as I saw Chin Hae running towards me with his father's trophy in his hands, who had been walking just on a little distance from him with Jin hyung and Namjoon on either side. Taehyung was in the same attire as always- a neatly pressed black and white suit while Jin hyung wore a soft brown hoodie, too big for him, if you ask me, and Namjoon was in his normal shirt and jeans, looking pretty clean. 

Squatting down in my place, I opened my arms for Chin Hae and picked him up instantly, smiling brightly at him. The way he smiled, it definitely reminded me of Taehyung because even though they weren't related in anyway, they had the same boxy smile which could mistake anyone to think that Taehyung was Chin Hae's biological father. 
"Uncle Hobi, look!" he exclaimed, shaking the trophy in his hands for me to take it before turning to look at his dad. Taehyung gave me a side hug as Chin Hae was still in my arms, but that didn't stop me from ruffling his soft blue hair.

"I'm so proud of you, Taehyung-ah. So much."

A genuine smile flashed on his face, and seeing it there made me sigh in content- knowing that he was slowly returning back to his normal self. 

Oh god. Why does this have to happen now that he's happy?

"Hobi-ah, we're here too, you know?" Jin hyung interrupted, arms folded against his chest while Namjoon placed their suitcases in the trunk. I laughed a little and let the kid in my arms move into the car and settle down in middle seat, before turning to throw myself at my hyung, who did the same and almost picked me up during the hug. I didn't mind if anyone was witnessing this, or that the reporters were taking pictures and I guess neither did Taehyung when he wrapped the both of us in embrace.

After settling down in the car with Taehyung next to me, Jin and Namjoon hyung in the middle with Chin Hae and Yoongi hyung in the back all to himself. I noticed through the mirror how his eyebrows were scrunched up in tension, giving a sour look and I knew the reason behind it being there. Probably.

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