Chapter 37

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(Taehyung's POV)

I don't know what took over me, or what gave me the courage to do something like that. Ever since Jungkook had been working for me, it had always been him to start some type of skinship or say something flirty, but this time, it was me who actually kissed him first.

I don't know what I was thinking, or if I was thinking anything at all when I kissed him hard, as if trying to compensate for all those years and I do not know how I felt so sure of myself at that moment even though he wasn't doing anything, but it all went down the drain when Jungkook did respond.

That's when I felt a bunch of emotions swirling up inside my body like a hurricane. With my heart racing as fast as a formula one car, I was happy- happy that I could finally feel Jungkook's warmth once again, after all the wait and pain. I was happy that he felt the same, because in that moment, it was only him and I- together.

Not our hyungs, no professional work, no limits, no tears. Just us.

I felt happy, but at the same time I was scared. Scared to death because Jungkook was here. I've already lost him once, but having him here, so close to me, I didn't want to let go now. I was scared to go back in time again and yet, I didn't regret letting myself to be close to him in such a short time.

It was after we parted from the kiss that he spoke up and actually apologised for this morning. I admit that he was a bit harsh and what he said did hurt me, even though he was clearly blinded by his feelings of jealousy, but he basically called me an attention whore- indirectly, when in reality, I was just trying to wrap my mind around the thought of giving him another chance.

I had missed him. More than I should have. I missed the way he acted all cheeky, flirty and caring and loving. I missed being the centre of his attention. I missed his warmth, the calm feeling that he gave. I missed him. Some people might think that being the CEO of such a successful and huge company, it would have come with a lot of attention from different news channels, magazines and what not. It did. The media was always on our tails, giving me and the others a lot of unrequited attention to update their sites on a daily basis.

That was not the kind of attention I want, but it's inevitable considering my life and work.

Jungkook's attention was on a whole another level. I liked being in his focus. I craved for it, but what I didn't know was that someday, it would make me look like some attention seeker to him, which I clearly am not, because I don't go dancing around him to make him notice me.

I was surprised, seeing him at my doorstep, not because I didn't know that he would be here. I had received a text from Yoongi hyung only a few minutes before that, saying that Jungkook was driving to my house, so his arrival was anticipated. But what put me into deep thought was how in the world did he know where I lived? I know that hyung hadn't told him, because it was strictly against the pact we had made on the first day I told them about Jungkook working in my company.

But it flashed back in my mind when he said that I had stopped here on the day of our meeting with the investors to take Chin Hae with me. And Jungkook was there too.

The kiss happened after that, followed by the entrance of Jimin into the kitchen with my angel in his arms, still a little groggy from his slumber. Judging by the expression he had, I couldn't decipher just how much of it all my best friend had witnessed, but even if he hadn't, I would've told him in the end and that's what I was going to do after Jungkook left.

I didn't have much of an appetite during the dinner, so I just tried to keep my focus on Chin Hae and make sure that he ate his food properly, but time and again, I did find Jungkook looking at me whenever he thought that I wouldn't notice and would always end up blushing red the moment I caught him. But Jimin was an entirely different case.

That guy hadn't looked up from his plate for once, and his strong grip around the utensils made me feel sorry for them, really. His jaw was still taught and knuckles were slowly starting to turn white, but he pushed the chair back almost immediately and dashed out of the kitchen, towards I don't know where after putting the plates in the sink.

It wasn't something that I'd have to think twice for before turning on to the conclusion that the way he had reacted, it was all mine and Jungkook's fault. Both of us knew that Jimin did not like him, at least for now and yet he had to see us together.

And kissing even.

I have to talk to him.

"Baby are you full? Or do you want me to get you some more?" I asked, looking down at my baby who was busy playing with his little fingers, but immediately shook his head at my question. I untied the cloth from around his neck that was keeping anything from falling onto his clothes and wiped Chin Hae's lips with it.

With Jimin gone, the only person left was Jungkook who was still nibbling away on his food as slowly as possible, but stopped abruptly when I pushed my chair back and got up with the plate in my hands.

"You're already done?", I gave a polite nod to his question and walked over to the sink. As I was about to turn on the tap, Jungkook's hands cupped mine and he ran his fingers over my slender ones and gently rubbed my palm under the running water before patting them dry with the towel kept near it.

I didn't have the courage to look up at him and don't ask me why, but with the tip of his index finger under my chin, Jungkook lifted my face and my poor heart skipped a goddamn beat the moment our eyes met.

If I could cast a curse on him for everytime that happened, believe me he would've been dead with the weight of all those by now. He still had the most beautiful pair of clear eyes that I could ever see, not even my angel has those. Chin Hae's doe eyes are black, but they always have this small flicker of glitter in those, full of dreams and love, but Jungkook's eyes were the ones which would want you to dive into them and unravel every single truth about him. 

"Can we talk, please?" he pleaded, now holding both of my hands in his tightly and stayed in the air even when I took mine away from his and slid them inside my pockets. I kept rethinking my answer, wondering if I should say yes, because this was probably the only time I'll have the courage to actually listen to him, or decline his offer and go to my best friend because he has always been next to me whenever something happened.

"Not now, no. I have to go to Jimin-ah." 

A smile broke out on his lips at my answer and face cocked to the side a little, as if admiring me. His eyes had this soft look when I denied to talk to him instead of being sad or frowning at it. 

"Will you talk to me after that? I'm always ready to wait for you." 

Then why didn't you wait for me three years ago?

You can cue the skip of another heartbeat at that moment, because it really did happen. Let me tell you this wasn't as happy feeling as it should've been because of that instant thought. I don't know how it came to my mind.

"I.. It's late. You should go."

"Tae, I'm a grown ass man, nothing's going to happen to me even if I leave late. You can talk to hyung for as long as you want and you'll still find me waiting for you. So can we?" I couldn't deny the look he was giving me and ended up agreeing to let him wait. 

With one last look back at him, I picked Chin Hae in my arms and he instantly nestled his nose in the crook of my neck, going back to sleep in a matter of minutes. Knowing well that Jimin must be at the balcony to let off his steam, I tucked my baby in first before going to my room.


They kissed. They kissed. I swear everything about this book makes me feel so damn single that I can't even put it into words, smh.

I purple you guys!

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