Chapter 3

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(Jin's POV)
I don't know what it was that Taehyung had said to Jimin and Hoseok, but I'm glad that it made them laugh because I hated to see their sad faces at the time of our departure. Next to me, Joonie carried both our bags even though I clearly said that I was perfectly able to get my own damn suitcase, but that didn't make my husband even think twice before doing it, as a chance of reminding me unintentionally of how much he cared for me.

Getting married to Namjoon was no doubt the best decision that I have ever made because this man has loved me even at my worst and had held my hand throughout the tough and the best times, how could I just let him go? I found love with him, in us, and I wish to cherish it forever.

"Hey. What's wrong?" Joonie asked, brushing away the hair from my forehead making me snap my eyes away from Taehyung and Chin Hae to my husband. As soon as I did, a smile came over to my lips and I settled my head on his shoulder for support while holding on to his hand.

"Do you remember the time Tae forgot to bring his underwear for the trip in our 2nd year?" Joonie and I chuckled at the memory of the time when Yoongi, Jimin, Tae, Joonie, me, Hoseok and him were all going for a trip and Tae had actually forgotten to pack his underwear with him. We had to go on a shopping spree at 11 in the night for him only.

"Yeah. He was so embarrassed to admit it that he told me in secret." Our eyes landed on the father figure standing next to the transparent glass rocking a baby in his arms while singing to him in his sleep. I heard a sigh escape my husband's lips as he spoke up.
"He's grown up so much. From being the baby of the group to being a father of a baby."

"You know he would've become a father someday." I pointed out to him,
"I know but I didn't think it would be this early. Tae's what? 25? 26?!" He exclaimed while combing his hair with his slender fingers.

"He's 24."

"He's just what?! He's 24?  Don't you think he should be going out with strangers and getting drunk on his ass?"
I rolled my eyes at that suggestion because everyone knew that Taehyung has never been an alcohol type of person, so the only thing that  he could actually get drunk off his ass was water. And as far as strangers are concerned, he hasn't even dared to look at anyone else since him and he'd rather spend his time with Chin Hae or us than going to a normal party.

It's not like he has completely boycotted parties, he still goes to those formal ones, but even then he keeps the champagne or the wine to a limit.

Limits that never crossed one glass.

"Babe?" Joonie whispered turning his face to me, "What if he comes back? Do you think Tae will accept him?"

"I'm going to beat the shit out of him for leaving in the first place and then slap him for actually having the guts to show up in our lives again."

"That doesn't answer my question."

"Not easily," I sighed, "But I think Taehyung would eventually want to give him a chance if that day ever comes."

"Guys, sorry to butt in your conversation, but do you really think that our Taehyung's that stupid to just easily let that guy fuck his life again now that everything's going well for him?" Yoongi piped in from behind us, scaring me in the process. But also, he made a fair point that we couldn't deny.

Taehyung isn't stupid to make the same mistakes twice.

"He's right. Taetae's smarter and more mature than he was before. He won't make the same mistake again." Joonie agreed but only with a small and a very unconvinced smile.
"Damn right!"

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