Chapter 50

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I am so tired today, sigh. What time is it where you live? I was re-reading through the chapters that have been published already and noticed there were so many mistakes and they were long for you guys to read. I'm sorry, but I promise I will do better in the coming chapters. I hope you are doing well!

I purple you!


(Ignore the mistakes please xx )

When Jungkook entered the building, it was the same hustle going around. People walking around with phone in their hands, taking down notes, some were talking aggressively to the other. It was a lot. Bowing slowly to the woman sitting at the front desk, Jungkook took the normal elevator instead of the private, well because he wasn't with Taehyung right now.

The private elevator was only supposed to be taken on orders or when the CEO or anyone on the higher position was with them.

CEO. Kim Taehyung: The CEO and Owner of Kim Enterprise, one of the largest business in all of Korea and Asia.

His foot tapped on the floor as he stared at the numbers, counting the floors as they changed. A different feeling boiling in his chest as he thought of the note still in his wallet. Jungkook couldn't help, but smile at the thought that Taehyung had cooked breakfast for him and on top of that, he had left a note and that he signed it as 'Tae'. All of this had him feeling on cloud nine, but of course, the fear that he might've done or said something wrong the other night moved around in his mind.

I'm never going to drink this much ever again.

The moment he had a fight with Taehyung and the guy had told him to take a day off, Jungkook felt restless. Thoughts kept on spinning in his head, the idea that Bogum was taking Taehyung out on date felt like a disaster when it really should be him taking the other out.

Walking through the dim lit corridor, he felt a little nervous to face Taehyung after last night's episode, and as always he came to see Sehun first, sitting on his desk and working with all his attention.
He was always dressed up in his best, a crisp, fresh suit that hugged his frame perfectly and his hair slicked all back was way too unreal. Not one strand loose. And like any other day, Jungkook was on his way to greet Taehyung in his office without paying Sehun any attention, but that was when he was stopped by the assistant.

"He's not here today." Sehun's voice boomed as he interrupted Jungkook in his steps. The clank from his shoes echoing in the hallway, eyes facing his back, but for some reason he knew that the younger's expressions were dark.

"Where is he?" Jungkook asked.

"Meetings. He's going to be busy with them today and," Bogum pushed his hands inside his pockets, and chin up, almost like he was taunting Jungkook, "I'm not really sure if he's going to come here."

"Well, thanks for the heads up. I'll just call him." With that, Jungkook sped up to walk past Sehun and towards his own office, but a strong arm held him back.

"Just what are you trying to do, Jungkook?"

Letting a deep breathe out, Jungkook didn't turn to face the other and just tried to free his hand from Sehun's hold. He just wanted to go back to his office as soon as he could and call Taehyung, knowing fairly well that there were chances of him not picking up his phone during the meetings, but he could still leave texts. When he didn't answer, Sehun took his steps backward and stood right in front of the younger.

"Don't pretend like you don't know what I'm talking about, or that I don't see you trying to make your way back into Taehyung's life again", the voice laced with more anger and concern for Taehyung, and his eyes more fierce made every word louder than they sounded.

Who is he to ask me anything about it?

"I don't think I want to answer you about anything that is personal to me and Taehyung." he seethed, breaking his hand away from the hold and folded them across his chest. For some reason, Jungkook did feel lost and confused at the same time. He didn't know why Sehun was asking him these questions and he didn't understand how he was supposed to answer him.

"You don't want to, or you can't? Come on, Jungkook. I think we both know the answer here." Sehun answered with that mocking tone in his voice and opened the button on his suit, looking straight into the younger's eyes.

"Do you think I don't know whatever happened between you and him? I've been in this company since the time Taehyung took over. I've seen him struggle and I've seen him grow up into the man he is today. I've seen him winning and losing. I don't think you can say the same, can you?" he continued. Jungkook's stomach churned, as he stared into Sehun eyes, deciphering what he said.

I've seen him struggle. I've seen him winning and losing.

I've seen him grow up into the man he is today.

"I've seen him be a son, a brother, a friend and a father."

"What are you trying to say, Sehun?" Jungkook stepped back in his steps again, maintaining distance between their bodies and suddenly felt hot. Like he couldn't breathe. He felt like running away outside and breath under the clear sky.

How do these people know so much about him? What exactly had happened?

"Tell me, when you left him, did you ever have the courage to look back and see how he was doing? Do you have any idea about what has happened?" By this time, Sehun was leaning more towards Jungkook, not breaking the eye contact with him and he knew that what he was doing was probably going to have bad effects if Taehyung got to know about it.

Sehun knew for a fact that his boss wouldn't like this, not only because it was concerned with Jungkook, but also because he didn't want his past to come up in a way like this. Even though, Taehyung would've wanted Jungkook to know about all of it, he didn't mean it in this way, he would've wanted it to do it himself.

But all of it felt too much to a guy like Sehun. He was appointed as Taehyung's assistant only months after he had taken over and had been working with him since then. He had seen the other working day and night, talking about Jungkook at every chance he got and sometimes even cry about it. Sehun had seen him losing his parents and gain his new family. He witnessed him becoming a brother, a best friend and a father as well. He didn't like the way Jungkook had barged into his life all of a sudden and was doing his best to get Taehyung back.

Sehun could bet on his life that Jungkook had no clue about what had actually happened.

Without saying anything to him or looking at his way, Jungkook dashed out of the office and soon enough out of the building. He texted Taehyung of they could meet whenever possible before the day ended and called Yoongi when he sat in his own car.



I want to put in my thousand per cent into this book, even though it's just my first and because it might not gain that much views, but I'll still do it.

I love you guys for choosing to read my book!

I purple you!

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