Chapter 69

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Yo guys, I'm back. I'm sorry for the delay but here's another update! I hope you like this chapter!

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(Taehyung's POV)

He stopped in the middle of speaking. I didn't know why, but turning on my heels I saw that his eyes were stuck at me. Hands stuffed into the pocket of his pants, hair parted in the most perfect ways as if just a few minutes ago my fingers weren't playing with them or pulling them. A blush creeped up to my neck and face when I saw that his eyes were traveling up and down my body.

I was only wearing a simple white shirt with Blue jeans and white shoes, nothing out of the ordinary honestly. So, I didn't see the point of why he was gawking at me like that. Or maybe he wasn't looking at me, maybe he was just thinking something.

"Are you okay?" I asked. Still standing in the middle of his attention. Jungkook's lips were parted slightly for what seemed like in shock, but I couldn't quiet understand. And the fact that he wasn't speaking didn't help at all. When no word came out, I took it upon myself to pull him out of his thoughts.


"Jungkook to earth." No response. The guy still stood in the spot, his eyes were still trained on me but even then I knew that he wasn't looking at me. Jungkook was busy somewhere in his own dreamland. To get him completely out of there, I did the next best thing that came to my mind.

I pinched his nipples.

"Ouch! H- Wh- What the fuck, babe?"

Well that escalated quickly. My face stayed emotionless seeing him jump on the spot, rubbing the right side of his chest while giving me a look of pain. But in all honesty, I was dying to laugh like a maniac because of his reaction.

"Why would you do that?" One of Jungkook's eyebrows was raised up in question, making him look all the more sexy. Before meeting this guy when Jimin and I were still confused if we liked guys or not, I would've never believed that bodily expressions and someone's physicality could make them look attractive. But seeing Jungkook- his smile, the way his tongue poked the cheek when he was trying to hold back his anger or frustration.

Heck, even the way Jungkook walked with confidence was attractive to me.

"You weren't answering." I shrugged. About to move away from him to get my cellphone from the bedside table, Jungkook caged me in his arms even before I could move past him.

"What're you doing Jungkook? Leave me." It came out more of an order than a question as I shot daggers in Jungkook's direction. His hold around my hands was tight, but not so much that it would leave any marks or hurt in the slightest bit.

I tried to wiggle out of there, not that I wanted to but Chin Hae and Eomma must be waiting for us in the living area. And secondly, if we got anymore closer than this, things would definitely go from one to another really quick.

"It's Daddy for you, love."


To say that I was shocked, would be the understatement of the century. This guy, he really said it again. Did he, or am I just hearing this? Am I hallucinating?

I wasn't able to utter even a syllable because of the way Jungkook's eyes were strained on me. His expression held something more of a playful look as he continued to tease me with the god forsaken smirk. I wanted to wipe that away from his face. But no matter how hard I tried to wiggle out of his hold, Jungkook had like a death grip around my arms.

"Tell me what you want." he whispered, head dipped low next to my ear as he purposely blew a breathe against the skin of my neck. It was enough to send a shiver down my spine when that happened, and felt as if something was crawling up my body slowly.

"Chi... They are waiting.. for us, Jungkook." When the tip of his nose came in a close contact to the crook of my neck, I shuddered a little. In the same moment, the grip on my arms loosened and curled around my waist, leaving my them free. Not wanting to let go of him just yet, I circled them around his neck with little difficulty.

"Say the word and we'll go, baby."

Butterfly kisses on my jaw being traced down to the base of my neck, it was impossible for me to not turn red at that point. Jungkook had this kind of effect that as soon as he was this close to me, I instantly let go of everything to be with him; to just memorize every second that I spent with him. Even right now, my senses were completely focused on making the most of this moment.

I deliberately, didn't want to say what he wanted me to because I knew that by doing it, Jungkook would do just as told and that we would be out of my house in a few minutes, but with the way things were happening right now, I positively, did not want to leave.

But, I had no other option.

"Please Daddy... Let's go." I regretted the way those words came out like a whine. I regretted it, but I also didn't because of the reaction it elicited from Jungkook. He let out a low growl and bit my neck before letting his tongue glide over the same spot. It really earned me the smirk which took over my lips almost instantly upon hearing the sound from him.

I stood on my toes, hands still clasped around the back of his neck and whispered closely to his ear, "Daddy let's go. Everyone's waiting for us."

Jungkook's hands went down to the curve of my hips and brought me closer to himself swiftly in one move. I couldn't ignore the way his breathing quickened as he inhaled and exhaled against the crook of neck, and neither did I let go the way he cursed.

I think, it's not only him who likes this.


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