Chapter 29

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Bro I officially took Instagram down. I mean, I deactivated my personal ID for a few days and did the same with snapchat as well. I'm still logged into the new BTS fan account that I had made a few days ago. *Sigh*

Taehyung hissed with every step he took. A sharp pain rising in the side of his stomach and shoulder as he moved towards the private elevator of his building without any support, while all the employees around him looked with an expression of deep concern in their eyes.

Limping his way inside, he pressed the button for the top floor and leaned on the wall, letting out a deep sigh accompanied with a smirk as he remembered the things he did to his Bogummie hyung this morning.

Like any other usual day, Taehyung and Jimin were working out in their gym when a really unexpected person showed up at the place- Bogum, dressed in workout gear along with a duffel bag hanging from his shoulder while grinning at Taehyung.

They greeted each other and one thing led to another, which was Jimin challenging Bogum to a boxing match just so he could show off his skills, and no matter how hard Taehyung tried to talk him out of it, the mochi didn't even budge.

He was hell bent on getting his bones broken just before he could even get married, not that his Yoongi hyung would back off even if Jimin had a few bruises here and there, the guy would look absolutely stunning even with the bruises, but still.

The blue haired guy stood outside the ring, hyping up his best friend even though he had only been defending himself rather than attacking. Taehyung thought that by the rate Jimin was getting hit all over his weak points, he was sure to drop unconscious any second, so Taehyung had to interrupt their match. Bogum didn't seem like he was going to back away any time soon, so, he ended up challenging Taehyung himself to another match, which resulted in his own defeat.

Taehyung had been training everyday for the past years and had grasped the important techniques of boxing, leaving Bogum more bruised that he had caused the other.

He got away with a mere bruise on his jaw, shoulder and on the side of his stomach whereas Bogum had bruises on his face, neck, shoulders and even arms. Taehyung smiled in victory as he walked out of the elevator and into the familiar yellow lit hallway, slowly towards his office while passing  Sehun on the way, who seemed a lot taken back by seeing his boss limping on his way towards the office, a bruise on his jaw.

Somehow, even this familiar distance seemed a lot longer than usual to Taehyung as he opened the door,walked inside and just when he was about to close it, a strong pair of arms snake around his waist, stopping him in his tracks and leaving him shocked.

"Babe, what happened?"

Wait what? Babe? Taehyung turned around so abruptly, still in Jungkook's arms that he somehow twisted his right ankle and was about to fall when the hold tightened around his waist, pulling him closer and tighter to himself. The younger looked at his love with worry clear in his eyes, staring at the bruise on his jaw while pulling him up slowly.

Without thinking twice, Taehyung pushed himself away with such a force that he was about to fall yet again, had Jungkook not held him safely.

With their chests rising and falling together in a rhythm, they continued to look into each other's eyes for a few more seconds as Jungkook brought up one of his hands and cupped Taehyung's bruised jaw softly and cautiously, not wanting to hurt his angel. As he stared at the purple bruise on the beautiful face, his jaw ticked in anger just by thinking that someone had the audacity to even touch his angel, let alone land a hit him.

I swear I'll kill the person who even touched him.

"Baby, who did this? When did this happen?" Taehyung couldn't help but stare at the person in front of him, admire his sharp features and forgetting everything for a moment. His heart skipped a beat when Jungkook used that particular endearment and looked at his hyung with an expression of concern.

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