Chapter 76

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Good morning!! I mean it's morning here, so yeah. Also, 3.87k to the book!! Thank you so much for choosing my book to read and I'm really grateful for that. I love you, I purple you and I'm sorry for the delay.

I hope you're taking good care of yourselves. Please drink a lot of water and eat lots of fruits! If you need to talk about anything, please remember that I'm here for you always.

I purple you :))

The weekend passed by in a blur- with Jimin and Taehyung spending time together doing everything they had missed. From cooking with each other, to going for a walk, talking and visiting places. What's more was that seeing Chin Hae so cheery and excited made them happy because even for the child, it had been a long time since they had taken him out for a few days.

All in all, Chin Hae too, had the time of his life as he played for hours under the sun with his Papa and Uncle. He loved their little ice cream trips and absolutely loved having Taehyung's attention all to himself. In those two days, neither Jimin nor Taehyung attended any business calls or meetings, letting the calls go straight to their voice mails and only ever video called their Hyungs and partners in Seoul.

During the trip though, the duo had spent most of their time talking about things that they otherwise couldn't have, if they were busy with work. Jimin showed Taehyung how he came up with the music for his new album with Yoongi and showed their promotional filters as well, and on the other hand, Taehyung told him about all the business deals, the profits and losses his company had incurred in his company had incurred amongst other things. They somehow dropped to the topic of Jungkook leaving for Busan to continue his work life as it was before.

The thought of their youngest leaving was enough to create a disturbing pause around them, but upon confessing his true feelings to Jimin, it some what came as a relief to Taehyung because the said thing had been roaming around in his mind for quite a few days. He had made up his mind that once they go back to Seoul and when Taehyung's ready to confront his beloved-- Jungkook and him had to talk about the job that he loved.


On the same day of their return, Taehyung had gone straight to work. He had dropped a text for Jungkook, telling him that he had returned and was going to work for a few hours. There were still a few things that he needed to check, so it shouldn't take the entire day. The two met each other almost ever day, since they worked under the same roof, but even then it wasn't as frequent and as long as they wished for. Taehyung had to attend multiple site projects, meetings and clients and had assigned the younger with an on field duty for his current project.

It took the younger two weeks to get accustomed with everything, but he was a very quick learner and had handled almost everything quite efficiently. It made Taehyung happy to see that Jungkook was working hard and was happy while doing it, but the thought that he was doing it for him was what burned a hole in his mind. Although he made sure to call Jungkook everyday and whenever both of them were free, he wanted to see him as well.

They both did.

Taehyung had asked time and again if Jungkook would like to meet up for lunch or dinner, but the guy was piled with work that the plan couldn't work out. After several tries and negotiations from both the sides, it was decided that the duo would meet on Saturday, firstly because it was the weekend and secondly because ever since Jin and Namjoon had adopted Grace as their own daughter, Chin Hae had asked time and again to go over to their house. So, in short, with Chin Hae spending the entire day with Grace and his Hyungs-- Taehyung didn't waste time to drive all the way over to Jungkook's house so that they could spend some time with each other.


"Jeon, you know what?"

The said man hummed softly to his beloved's voice, while rubbing circles on Taehyung's shoulder.

The two were in such a position where Taehyung was lying down with his head rested on Jungkook's chest and the latter had one arm wrapped around his slender waist. It had been hours since the pair had been sprawled on the couch in Jungkook's house-- not bothering to move, rather just cuddle and appreciate every small moment.

Jungkook looked down to the angel in his arms, silently thanking the Gods for blessing him with Taehyung. He couldn't help but admire just how adorable his boyfriend always looked-- yes, boyfriend.

Two days after Taehyung and Jimin's arrival from their weekend trip, Jungkook had planned to surprise his beloved with something very special, but simple- just like Taehyung loved.

He had made different dishes that Taehyung loved, set up a candle light dinner right behind his own house, proceeding towards a dance and then finally, ending the night with him popping the question. The elder was so happy with all of it- he was sure about his answer and being so in love with Jungkook, it was bound to be a huge 'yes'. And ever since then, the younger jumped around with happiness, showered the other with utmost love, care, attention and small gifts that nothing more could've seemed better than that.

They were finally happy and together, which is all that mattered to them.

"You're cute, " the elder whispered, running circles on Jungkook's chest before looking up into his doe eyes, "sometimes dimmer than a lightbulb, but cute."

"Did you just-?" the younger gasped hearing the words and sat upright before caging Taehyung between his arms and the couch. Seeing the boxy smile on his boyfriend's face made the younger swoon on the spot, and grin to the fullest.

"Did you just compliment me and insult me at the same time?"

"But it's true! You'r- aaahhhh! Stop, stop, stop!"

Not letting him complete another word, Jungkook grabbed Taehyung by his waist and tickled his sides, making the guy squirm underneath him whilst he laughed to his heart's content. Hearing Taehyung's laugh was absolute music to his ears and seeing him do so, was one of his favourite things.

"Say it. Say that I'm the most handsome man ever on this earth." The younger grinned, still using feather like touch to tickle Taehyung. After a few good minutes to Taehyung squirming and apologizing as Jungkook tickled his sides, their voices came down as they panted for air.

Taehyung looked at the man laying next to him with a grin that no one could take away. He felt a happy feeling surge through his veins, and a sudden sugar rush through his body, all because of a small glance at the other. This was what he felt whenever he was with Jungkook— he smiled a lot more, breathless at times, happier and blessed each day. The guy never failed to make his heart skip a beat with the simplest things only to make him smile and that was enough.

But as every relationship goes, partners are supposed to help each other be happy, share whatever problems come their way and grow together, and as individuals, too. Jungkook was doing so— he was helping Taehyung on the project which was one of the most important ones he had ever come up with, and was giving all of his efforts just to make it possible.

And what am I doing? I'm keeping him here, when he could really be in Busan and do what he loves instead of this. I want him to grow and I've seen how much he loves Photography, and yet all I'm doing is being selfish and keeping him to myself.

" Jungkook, there's something we need to talk about."

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