Chapter 86

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Bear with me in these few chapters, yeah? I love you all too much, I swear. The other day I was feeling really low because I couldn't think of anything to do, and the same day one of my readers sent me a text on Instagram and it genuinely made my day. So, thank you for that.

I have two accounts on IG, out of them @btssafespace is the one where I rarely ever post but I see it everyday, because I don't know why. If you wish to talk at any moment, or be friends, just leave me a DM and I'll be sure to reply!

I purple you!


Stumbling through their way, Jungkook carried Taehyung in his arms towards his house and inside with very little difficulty. He didn't once move his lips away from the elder's soft, cherry ones, and neither did he loosen his hold under Taehyung's bottom. Entering through the main doors, the first thing that Jungkook did was to cage his beloved between himself and the door, allowing Taehyung to roam his hands freely along the younger's hard chest.


The subtle moan that escaped Taehyung's lips seemed nothing less than a sinful melody to Jungkook, feeling a strong scent of arousal overcoming both of their bodies. The elder had arched his head to the side, allowing Jungkook a better access to his neck so that he could pepper his smooth and honey coloured skin with love bites—the proof of who belonged to who. He continued to suck harshly at the side of Taehyung's neck, knowing well of his sweet spot because of the heavy and ragged breathing.

Feeling the tightness in his own jeans because of the beauty in his arms, Jungkook broke apart from the heated kiss to stare back at Taehyung biting his swollen bottom lip, while trying his best to breath. He looked so wrecked just by their passionate kissing, that it made Jungkook more curious to see how the love of his life would react once they were on his bed, and making love to each other. Just the thought of it was enough to knock the air out of Jungkook's lungs and carry Taehyung towards his master bedroom.

This house was a lot different that the one he owned in Seoul, it was much bigger, spacious and in an area where no one cared about anyone else—in short, it was Jungkook's type.

"What do you want me to do for you baby?" he asked, grabbing Taehyung's butt cheeks that had the elder perking up into a straighter position because of the sudden sensation. He tried desperately to hold back the moans that were bubbling up at the back of his throat, all because of the way Jungkook was making him feel. He loved the way the Jungkook's kisses worked wonders and the way his own body reacted to it like multiple waves of pleasure were hitting him all at once.

"Let me show you how much I love you, daddy. Please." Taehyung purred against Jungkook's ear. His lips placing a chaste kiss just under the younger's ear lobe, before biting on it subtly.

"How abo—mhm fuck-" Jungkook groaned in pleasure when Taehyung bit too harshly, before running his tongue over the same spot, sucking on it, "how about we start with names, hmm? I want to hear my name when I'm making love to you."

Taehyung only hummed in response, not wanting to stop at what he was doing because he knew that it was making Jungkook feel good. There had been a lot of times before where the younger was the one who had done things— very subtly, just to make Taehyung feel good, so now, he wanted to do something that would let Jungkook know just how much he loved, wanted and needed him.

He wanted to show Jungkook that having distance or no distance between them, their love and trust for each other was only going to grow each day like a cherry blossom tree coming to age.

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