Chapter 44

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With his heart hammering inside his chest, Taehyung fidgeted in the passenger seat next to Bogum while the other continued to drive them both to the address given by Daehyun. Bogum, even though did say that the date can wait, but in reality he knew that a chance like this won't ever come again.

He glanced at Taehyung from the corner of his eyes, not realizing that his grip on the steering wheel was getting tighter by the second, slowly turning his knuckles to white, he wasn't angry, no. He couldn't ever be angry at his sweet Taehyung, rather he felt sad, because he had the chance to make his younger see something, but it was taken away before he could do anything.

Their date was going fairly well than it was originally expected, Taehyung was finally starting to feel at ease and like himself as they progressed, but just when it was all going good, the call from a stranger ended everything in almost a minute. This wasn't even a thing on the list, hearing it from someone else that Jungkook had been so drunk that he couldn't even keep himself in place. How did he even end up at the coffee shop by himself and that too totally drunk out of his mind?

How does he even be a "grown ass man" and still be this irresponsible?

Taehyung, for the nth time, adjusted himself in the seat and noticing this, Bogum rested his hand on his thigh, making him jump in shock at the sudden touch.

"Hey, try to calm down, okay? We'll be there soon and then you can see Jungkook all you want. Daehyun sounded like a nice guy, at least nice enough to not run off with his money instead of calling you." He said, trying his best to make Taehyung see the brighter side of the whole situation.

The address that Daehyun had texted was 30 minutes away from the restaurant they were previously at, but since it was rush hour, getting to the place was taking more than that.

"I know, hyung. Thank you for driving me there, but I'm so sorry that you have to do this," Taehyung said, ruffling his hair in utter regret, "I mean, we were doing perfectly well and then the call and I'm s-"

"Taehyung-ah, it isn't your fault, okay? It wasn't your fault that Daehyun called you because Jungkook kept taking your name. Don't blame any of this on yourself." a faint smiled appeared on his eyes as he drove the car. In that moment, Taehyung felt as if he really saw Bogum for the first time ever in years.

His brown hair perfectly combed in little curls on the edge, a little messy with that small smile playing on his lips. The soft, concerned eyes focused on the road ahead of them. His words were soothing, and so was his voice. It would be music to anyone, but maybe just not him.

Maybe just not Taehyung.

Taehyung always had his eyes for one guy, no matter how things turned out to be. No matter how far they were, he still had his eyes and heart set on Jungkook. Looking at the guy seated next to him, he realized that Bogum had qualities that a person would want in their significant other.

He could even be someone Taehyung could go out with, had there not been a trace of a person named Jungkook. Bogum was more on the sorted, mature and soft kind of guy, whereas, the other was stubborn, mature , but confusing at times.

He was strong, openly passionate and the kind of guy that would show off the people he loves, no matter what the place or event. He was cute, strong, beautiful all at the same time. Jungkook was imperfect.

"How far is the place, hyung?"

"It should be around the corner here. At least that's what the GPS says." Bogum unbuckled his seat belt and leaned slightly in the direction of the steering wheel as if trying to peak over the corner and see if there really was the café or not. Taehyung's eyes light up when he saw "Min's Coffee shop" written in big, bold and neon letters on the wall, beside the two big doors.

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