Chapter 21

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{4 months later}

"...I will forever wish for you and Papa to be together, wherever you are. I hope you find happiness in the heavens, that you couldn't find here. I know that I won't ever be able to see you again, but you will always be with me wherever I go, in my heart. You and Papa don't have to be worried about me being alone, because I'm not. I have my best friends and brothers with me, always.

I love you, Ma and will you please tell Papa that I love him too? Very much."

These four months had been a complete dark and painful time for Taehyung and his mother, but even through all the sorrows, he was a little happy knowing that now, his mom must finally be happy and at peace being with his papa.

"I hope at least you are happy, now that you have each other."

After his father passed away, Taehyung's mother had not only lost her husband, but also her very first friend and her first love. As days passed, it became exceedingly painful for her to even look at her own son and not think of her husband; how could she not? Taehyung had the same eyes, the same nature as him and it was impossible for her to ignore it and the guy wasn't so oblivious to it as well.

Taehyung knew very well that he reminded her of him and how much it pained her to see him everyday for the rest of her life, so he started spending most of his time at the office, working his time away and wishing that it would somehow lessen the pain his mother was going through.

It was only a few days later that his mother had handed him the papers, wherein everything was written- like an overview of his job and his responsibility in their business. For a few of Taehyung's starting days had his mom accompanied him to work, since she had been very much familiar with all of it, but when he started to get a hold of it, she stopped coming and rather stayed home all day.

Working alone and getting familiar with the new environment, Roxanne-his father's personal assistant, had now started working for Taehyung and had helped him wherever needed. She wasn't shocked at his sharp and quick learning skills as he had handled many of their business meetings even when his dad was alive, and according to her, he was handling everything pretty well especially with the most three important deals now in their favour.

He was an exact copy of his father.

As months passed, he started spending time at the office, but never forgot about his mother or any of his friends. Namjoon and Jin, by that time had made up their minds to open their own cafe and to save for that, his Jin hyung had taken up the job as a professor in one of the top Universities, while Namjoon had become the business strategist at The Kim Enterprises.

His Hobi hyung had started working in an NGO, hosting charitable events to raise funds for different organizations, while Jimin and Yoongi were auditioning with different media companies. All of them were busy with their schedules and jobs, but none of them ever failed to show up at Jin and Namjoon's new apartment for dinner. It was the elder's idea to meet up every night as he wanted every one of them to be together.

After coming back from their house, Taehyung would always go first to see his mom in her room, because by the time he returned she would already be asleep. He would tip-toe into her room and whisper sweetly, telling her about his day and the work-everything; he would sometimes talk about his father and how much he missed him, sometimes he would mumble about missing her too even though she had always been right in front of his eyes and rarely about Jungkook.

He never dared to even take his name in front of anyone else, afraid that he might let his tears out again.

But he hadn't stopped.Before finally going to sleep, Taehyung would always take out his journal and write in it for hours. Writing his feelings down in the journal that had previously belonged to his lover, it made him think as if he was still talking to Jungkook.

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