Chapter 89

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Did you guys hear 'Your Eyes Tell'? I've been listening to it on repeat because I really, really cannot get enough for their angelic voices. Sigh, they really calm me down. I love the boys so much, that no words will ever suffice for me to put it out there.

I'm so proud of my babie Jungkook! His piece is so beautiful and the message is so beautiful and something that a lot of people need to hear. I love and support Prod. Jeon Jungkook! Muah!

Anyway, Happy reading?


The morning after spending every moment in each other's embrace, nothing seemed to be more perfect than being surrounded with the sweet scent of love encaging them. After going on for several hours last night and upon exhausting almost all of their energies, the couple didn't seem to get enough of each other in the least. It seemed as if at one point, the thought—or more like the fear of being apart had stepped into their minds while they were making love to each other, which made them hold on tighter and longer.

Jungkook hadn't yet gotten accustomed to seeing the love of his life being so wrecked, needy and yet controlling underneath him. He loved the moans that elicited out of Taehyung's lips throughout the night which seemed to be one of the turn on points, and something that kept them going on until they had tired each other out. Taehyung, on the other hand, loved the feeling of just being with Jungkook. He loved how the younger cared for him even while thrusting deeper into him, and how at moments, he went extremely gentle while showering love and kisses all over his face and body.

One of the many things that Taehyung loved was when Jungkook kissed the promise ring during the entire night. He felt giddy, and happy, and lucky and like the most blessed person ever on the face of Earth to have been given someone as caring and as loving as Jungkook. Taehyung loved the sincere feeling his doe eyes held while they were kissing, or whispering hushed words of love to each other.

After cleaning both of them, Jungkook dressed Taehyung in one of his own shirts and was about to make him wear a pair of loose shorts, but the elder refused strongly. He changed the sheets again before resting his Taehyung on the bed and cuddled him for the rest of the night and the next morning. They went to sleep in each other's embrace knowing that they were going to wake up to the same, heavenly sight in front of them. But seemingly, Taehyung woke up before Jungkook which gave him the upper hand.

He must've spent a good few moments admiring his boyfriend's existence, complimenting him in the most softest and subtle ways. Not just Jungkook's physical features— no, but just the kind of person he was and the things he made Taehyung feel. Feeling a stinging sensation shooting up his lower region, the elder winced when he was going to the restroom, but smiled nonetheless without any regrets. His fingers grazed freely against the love bites Jungkook had left on his neck and chest, while staring at the elegant diamond ring on his finger.

"I'm yours, and you're mine." he whispered, smiling to himself while repeating the words his beloved had said to him before they went to sleep.

Feeling extremely happy and without any rush, Taehyung took his time to take a bath before settling into his washed boxers and a new set of clothes that belonged to Jungkook. He was going to take something back with him to Seoul, after all, so it might as well be clothes that smelled strongly of the man he loved. He quietly walked out of the bathroom and seeing the younger still sleeping soundly while cuddling the pillow Taehyung had used, the older kissed his forehead before moving out to balcony that was attached to his room— giving a beautiful view of the entire city.


Taehyung's POV

The breeze that was blowing past my wet hair felt refreshing— more than it has ever been. Maybe it was something about Busan, or maybe this is what it feels like to be loved and cared for. I could be feeling this way because Jungkook and I had our first times last night, but there was something more to it. Ever since that moment— ever since he slipped the promise ring onto my finger, I haven't been able to take my eyes off of it or Jungkook, either for that matter.

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