Chapter 53

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By now, Taehyung was done with one of the meetings. It had ended successfully, but the second meeting took a little longer than it should have. He should've gotten done with it twenty minutes ago, but everything just seemed to stretch more and more.

Taehyung was tired, sleep and deprived of a lot of things. He wanted to see Chin Hae, have some food because he had missed lunch and the breakfast that he had wasn't all that enough. And even though he might not admit it, he wanted to see Jungkook so bad.

Hours had passed since he had last seen Jungkook and remembered clearly that he was the one who had written on the note, telling the younger to take a day off if he wished.

Although Taehyung did wish that Jungkook would stay home and rest, he wanted to see the doe eyes.

He must be resting right now, or maybe he's watching a movie, Taehyung thought and chuckled to himself as he checked his watch for the time.

4:30 in the evening. How long was this meeting going to take? He hadn't been able to see his phone for the texts, calls or anything. Taehyung just couldn't wait to sprint out of this place and towards his home.

Whereas Yoongi, his fiancé and Jungkook were still in pretty much the same position. Jungkook was listening carefully to what Taehyung had told Jimin about last night, about how he was drunk out of his mind and had somehow reached a coffee shop, where the owners were kind enough to call Taehyung, thinking that they were together.

Jungkook did not even try to hide the big smile when his Jimin hyung said that Taehyung hadn't denied the fact that they were together, yet he still felt bad about putting his elder through so much, even though he was on a date.

"So, I somehow ruined their date?" Jungkook asked, rubbing palms over his face with mixed feelings.

Should I be happy that the date didn't go on? Or should I feel bad because I was the reason that it went bad? He thought to himself.

"You kind of did, yes. " Yoongi said, smiling nonetheless. Even he was happy that things had taken an unexpected turn, there were now chances that Taehyung and Jungkook could get closer.

"But on the brighter side, even Chin Hae said Taehyung-ah should go out with you and not Bogum hyung." Jungkook's eyes perked up hearing this from Jimin and couldn't help but smile so big that it stretched to his ears.

"I just want to make Taehyung happy, Hyung. I want to give him all the love that I took away from him. I want him to see that I really am sorry for whatever happened and I just.. I just don't want to leave him every again."

"I want to make a future with Taehyung and Chin Hae. And- And I know it's too early to say this, but I'm ready to do anything he wants me to do. I just can't leave him."

Hearing such words from the youngest made Yoongi's heart swell with an emotion he couldn't pick out. It was love, pride, and care. Never had he ever imagined that he'd hear Jungkook say these things, but it was true.

"We understand that Jungkook-ah. But why were you in such a hurry when you called? What did you want to know about?' Jimin asked this time, caressing the younger's hair as slowly and softly as possible.

"I went to work a little late today because.. because you know why. I was drunk out of my mind last night and I woke up late. But when I did reach the office, Sehun said he wasn't going to be back for a while because of some meetings," Jungkook pushed himself back, leaning against the couch and rested his head, eyes closed.

"I said that I will just call him then, but Sehun stopped me and asked what I was upto. He said so many things, but I felt something strange when he said that I didn't know about anything that had happened while I wasn't here. He saw Taehyung growing up into the man he is today..

and I didn't even know a bit of it."

This had both, Yoongi and Jimin on an edge because they were slowly approaching the point where Jungkook would ask them about Taehyung.

"But.. How- how? I mean there have so many times that Taehyung made the headlines and the interviews too. You didn't see any of it?" Jimin asked this time, totally confused at his words. He remembered clearly that some of the biggest things that happened had made it to the headlines and it was everywhere, then how did Jungkook not have a single idea of it?

The idea seemed totally absurd.

"God, I'm so stupid", a sigh escaped Jungkook's lips when he faced both of his Hyungs, knowing that he was about to say the most stupidest truth ever. "While I was in Busan, with my parents and away from you guys I didn't-"

"I didn-t have the you know.. talk to Taehyung even though I wanted to. I couldn't do anything without thinking of him and knowing that I hurt him. I just didn't have the courage to hear anything about him. Whenever Mom, dad or even my friend- Yugyeom started talking about him, I ended up running away."

"So what you're trying to say is that you didn't read or see any news that was related to him?" Yoongi asked, looking skeptical and when Jungkook gave an affirmative, the Hyungs smacked their foreheads hard, cursing at the same time.

"You're more stupid than I though you'd be, Jungkook."

Jimin pushed himself off the couch and away from the guys, walking back and forth in front of them with his palms rubbing over his face. It was really an impossible thought that even if Jungkook was miles away from Taehyung, he didn't even read or hear about the guy once. Not even once!

Imagine how hard he must've tried to do that.

In the living room, all three of them kept as silent as ever. Jungkook kept biting his lower lip, doe eyes focused on his Hung's moving figure as Yoongi kept to himself with his face hidden in the palm of his hand.

This was way too unbelievable.

It must've been a few minutes later, that Jimin had stopped midway in his tracks, eyes widening as if realization had struck him like lightening and that was when he hurriedly walked towards his and Yoongi's shared room. Of course the other two wanted to see what he was upto, but before either of them could even move, Jimin came back with something like a notebook in his hands.


It was a long day, smh.

But anyways, another chapter is here for you. Vote for the chapter if you like and tell me what you feel through the comments!

Also, do you guys want me to post some pictures of BTS, for you guys? Let me know!

I purple you!

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