Chapter 87

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After taking a peaceful bath with Jungkook shampooing Taehyung's hair and cleaning both of them himself, because he thought that the elder might be sore of their first time—he wrapped themselves in soft robes before letting Taehyung down on the couch.

"You know I can move around and help you with that." he pointed towards the fresh bedsheets that Jungkook was trying to put on his bed. He had already messed it once before by putting it upside down and was now struggling with getting the corners, groaning time and again.

"Okay, okay. Move. Let me do it, you big baby." Taehyung pushed him aside in the most legit sense, and bent down to properly tuck the corners of the bed cover under the mattress, despite feeling pain at the bottom of his spine. Even though, they didn't go long since it was their first time, the painful feeling shooting in Taehyung's back was enough to indicate that this was going to happen every time they made love—and besides that, something in the back of his mind was quietly telling him that Jungkook had gone extremely soft this time.

No one knows about the next time.

"I can do it! You should rest, Taehyung."

"If you could, then you would've done it by now."

The elder tried his best to not hiss because of the pain whenever he bent down, and heaved a final sigh when he curled all the four corners successfully. He didn't wait for another moment or anything else to plop down on the mattress with his eyes closed, and senses masked by Jungkook's musky cologne.

Man, if I knew that Jungkook gave such good baths, I would've hired him as my personal bath giver if that was even a thing. Taehyung thought, chuckling to himself while inhaling the scent radiating off of Jungkook's robe that he was wearing.

The younger had, instantly after their bath, put both of their clothes to wash since they were reeking strongly of sex and had washed Taehyung's boxers as well. Jungkook was kind of hoping that his clothes would fit him— a little baggy maybe, making the elder look nothing less than an adorable fluffball but they ended up circling around the problem of boxers.

They wore different sizes, so that only left Taehyung with an option to wear Jungkook's robe without anything underneath. In situations like these, having a vivid imagination was one negative point that the younger had. Knowing fully well that his boyfriend was wearing nothing under that robe, that gave a clear show of his sharp collar bones and smooth skin, it was kind of very difficult to hold himself back.

Jungkook pushed those thoughts aside— or at least he tried to, before scooting closer to Taehyung and resting his head on the elder's chest. One of his arms was wrapped strongly around his boyfriend's waist, softly moving up and down on his sides in a calming motion. Taehyung hummed at the feeling, loving every bit of what he spent with the other and let his fingers slide into Jungkook's soft raven hair, playing with it.

"Does it hurt, Tae?"

"Not so much," the elder chuckled, "I'm starting to think that you went soft on me, Jungkook."

"Of course, I did, love. Do you really think I would've stopped after one round with the person I'm going to marry in a few years?" Jungkook perked up giddily. Even though his eyes were closed, Taehyung easily deciphered the smirk that must be evident on Jungkook's lips and the playful glint in his doe eyes.

He's extra cheesy, I love it. Taehyung thought to himself.

Jungkook internally swooned upon hearing the adorable giggle that escaped Taehyung's lips and scrunched his nose at that. He loved seeing the Taehyung being happy and carefree at all times, but such a sight was only meant for those few unforgettable moments, like right now, because a majority of time Taehyung was busy with work and spending time with Chin Hae. Without a prior notice, Jungkook straightened up to kick one of his legs to the other side of Taehyung and sat up on his thighs to get his full attention.

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