Chapter 24

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Aha! I'm back *cue the evil laugh*. I've been spending as much time as I can. between writing and doing my college assignments even though we're all on a lockdown. It's important to keep yourself safe, wash hands and please don't go outside unless it's really, really important!

Please take good care of yourself!

(Taehyung's POV)

"Wha- He's back, hyung! Jungkook.. He can't be. Why- Why is he here? Why did he have to come back again? Everything's going so well and I've finally stopped myself from revolving my life around him and now he just had the audacity to barge into my life, in-into my office! And why did I have to do that? Why did I have to agree and give him the job?"

I kicked the front tire of my car for possibly the nth time in only 15 minutes, while Hobi hyung tried to pull me back physically.

We were supposed to be attending a meeting at this moment, but after seeing Jungkook and talking to him briefly, I couldn't even breathe properly, let alone stand in front of 7 other respectable businessmen and literally order them to handover their companies to me. I couldn't do that, so instead of driving there, I stopped a few blocks away from my house and parked in a deserted alley so that no one could see or hear us.

Since then, I've been screaming my lungs out, trying to calm myself down by letting everything out as Hobi hyung held my hand in his firmly, giving it a light squeeze to assure me that he was here. It helped a lot, because over the years, I've spent so much of my time with my family that just by being with them, seeing their faces and knowing that they were right beside me- it helped me calm down a lot.

"Hyung, why does he have to come now? After all these years? I feel like an idiot because even though I said that I don't want to see him, I just gave him a job and now he'll be there in the office every fucking day! Why the hell did I have to do that?-"

Hobi hyung pulled both of my hands a little roughly to himself, making me face him. With a small smile, hyung pushed away the hair on my forehead before pressing his palms on my shoulder.
"It doesn't make my any less proud of you, Taehyung-ah. You pushed past your history and let Jungkook have the job because of his achievments, not because you love him."

"That's the thing, hyung! I do love him! It was just like two days ago when I had decided on moving on from the whole idea of Jungkook coming back to me, and all of it just went down the drain in an instant!" I didn't scream anymore, instead slid down against the car, burying my face in my palms. Following suit, Hoseok hyung too sat in front of me, not caring about getting his expensive suit dirty.

He proceeded to grip my wrists tightly and pulled them into his own lap, forcing me to look at him.

"Tae, listen to me, moving on isn't easy and it's okay to feel like this right now. You've been in love with Jungkook for so long and it isn't easy to just forget that. It's not easy, but it's not impossible either."

I stared up at him quietly, trying to let my mind revolve around his words before speaking up,
" But hyung, I don't know if I'll be able to do it when Jungkook's only a few steps away from me. It had already been so hard to even think of trying to forget him, and I don't think I can do it with him right in front of my eyes."

Hobi hyung let out a defeated sigh, knowing that neither of us was getting anywhere with this conversation because to me, it honestly felt like I was back to square one, back to where I started from. Even though hyung's presence was comforting, it still wasn't enough to take my mind away from a certain someone.

Thinking about him, honestly angered me, but at the same time I wanted to cry because Jungkook was finally back.

I admit that I must've acted a little cold towards him during the interview, but that had to be done. I couldn't just go up to him and shake him, hug or kiss him. I couldn't shout at him for disappearing so suddenly without even trying to tell me anything, neither could I question his whereabouts.

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