Chapter 46

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BRO I'M WRITING THIS ON FEBRUARY 21, WHICH IS THE DAY "MAP OF THE SOUL: 7" RELEASED. So, I fucking love it. I watched it on dot. I'm in love with them all over again. I love every track, especially 'Friends' by Jimin and Taehyung and I am positive I cried. They're soulmates. That's that. Okay back to the book. I love you and them a lot.


It's actually May 6 that I'm posting this chapter. But whatever I've said above, it's true. I love them, the songs and you.


Stepping back, Taehyung took out his phone and switched on the flashlight to look for the switch in Jungkook's room and finding it right beside the bed he turned up all the buttons.

What he saw next was something that had him stopping in his tracks, staring at the wall behind Jungkook's bed. At the picture that he didn't know Jungkook still had. It must've been one of their college days that this picture was taken, with Taehyung's cheek resting on the Jungkook's chest and one arm resting on his stomach. Jungkook's hand was around his waist while the other rested on the hand on his stomach.

What is this picture doing on his wall and why?

Why does Jungkook have this?

At that moment, the guy sleeping on the bed stirred a little in his sleeping, taking the name of a certain someone while doing so and fell into a deep slumber again. Blinking his eyes again, looking back and forth between the sleeping figure and the picture behind him, Taehyung, still a little out of his mind, approached Jungkook and took of his shoes, loosened his shirt a bit before pulling the comforter up to cover him.

It was honestly a sight of shock seeing the picture on the wall, hearing Jungkook whisper his name again and again even in his sleep. Why was he drunk? How did he get this drunk and why? Where were his friends? What should I do next?

Taehyung wondered before showing himself out of the room without switching off the lights, still remembering that Jungkook feared the dark, but little did he know that this fear had long overcome when the both of them were still together, when Taehyung's warmth calmed him to the extent that it helped him sleep every night.

Still in daze, Taehyung walked out, rubbing his palm softly at the back of his neck and in his hair, feeling like he wanted to pull at them and walked down the stairs hearing Bogum calling out to him from the living room. He saw his hyung sitting on the couch with two cups in his hands and they smiled watching each other as Taehyung took the seat next to him.

"Did he wake up?" Bogum asked, handing one cup over to Taehyung, smiling.

The other shook his head in a reply and relaxed himself on the couch, closing his eyes only to let his mind travel back to Jungkook and the picture behind his bed. His soft features, the doe eyes, pink lips, perfect nose, chiseled jaw; his mind travelled back to the way Jungkook looked perfect even in the drunk and sleepy state, or the way his hoarse voice taking his name sounded so good.

His name sounded better than just good when Jungkook said it. Something about his voice, or the reason that it was him saying that made Taehyung want to hear it again and again.

"I think he's going to wake up straight in the morning now." Taehyung sighed, opening his eyes to take a sip from his green tea. Next to him Bogum chuckled a little and kept the cup on the table in front of him before turning on his side to face Taehyung, resting a hand on his knee. The guy perked up a little and sat straighter feeling the touch on his knee and looked at Bogum with earnest eyes.

"Taehyung-ah, can you tell me the truth is I ask for it?" he asked, chewing on his bottom lip when Taehyung nodded, feeling nervous.

"If things had been a little different, would you ever like me? Ever?"

That is thing, hyung. This is where I should tell you the truth.

Taehyung thought to himself, eyes falling to his hands and the tip of his finger running on the brim of the cup. He knew the answer to it and he knew that it would be the end of whatever he had with Bogum.

He knew it.

Taehyung had seen this coming and knew that he would have to face this someday, because even though he had decided on moving on from Jungkook, he knew that it would never be possible with the guy right in front of him everyday.

It wouldn't have been possible for Taehyung to move on with someone else when the person he has even loved and still loved, was right in front of his eyes. Giving him the same heart stopping smile, his unforgettable voice, the endearments he took for Taehyung. It wouldn't have been possible to forget Jungkook ever.

This was his answer, and Taehyung knew that this wasn't what Bogum wanted to hear.

"If things had been a little different, hyung then Jungkook and I would've still been together. Not like this."

Bogum's features visibly softened at his answer, knowing that he shouldn't have hoped of hearing a different answer from Taehyung. It had always been Jungkook for Taehyung.

"It's always been him, isn't it?"

"Always, hyung. Always."


A very short chapter at my part, but tell me did you like it?

I purple you guys so much!

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