Bonus Chapter

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I'm not leaving my loves like this! You guys deserve a Bonus chapter!

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The most unpleasant, nerve wrecking and absolutely batshit crazy feeling was the time where you're pacing around in, confined inside a room that smells nothing like comfort. Bottles of wine laid around the floor, men running in and out of the room with smug looks on their faces as they described just how good his 'future husband' looked— this, was definitely reeling Jungkook more into the over whelming feeling.

He mentally cursed at himself, thinking that he should've had a little to drink when his Hyungs had offered, but in all honesty, he did not want to be under alcohol's influence in his own wedding. Sure, having a little taste would've helped to let go of all the 'what ifs' that were springing in his mind, but no. It's just wedding jitters, Jungkook can handle it definitely.

But, what he could not handle was the distance between him and Taehyung. It's only been two nights since they last saw each other because of the traditions. It is said that the 'to-be-wedded' couple cannot meet or see each other before the wedding, and this silly tradition was starting to get on the younger's nerves. He wanted to see Taehyung—no.

He needed to see his Taehyung.

And on top of it, when Jimin had told him about what he had organized for Taehyung's bachelor party made Jungkook want to turn table. Without his Taehyung's permission or knowledge, Jimin had taken him to a strip club. A gay strip club at that. Just hearing about that from Jimin had Jungkook's blood boiling—thinking that there was someone who touched his Taehyung. Though, Jimin also told him his fiancé didn't react in the least way, rather, he was the first to leave his own bachelor's party.

But still, how dare Jimin take him to a gay strip club?

The Wedding was about to start in another 30 minutes, and here he was, missing the feeling of the ring Taehyung had proposed him with and the same one that he had worn for over 10 months now. It's been 10 months since the night they had proposed each other, and now when the time was finally falling short into their laps, Jungkook was impatient. He wanted to see how Taehyung was looking, if he had eaten something, or was keeping himself properly hydrated, and if he was feeling the wedding jitters too.

"Hyung, is Taehyung ready?" he asked for probably the umpteenth time, looking over at Seokjin, who was busy fixing his husband's tie.

"No, he says that he's not so sure about marrying you." The elder answered with an eyeroll, and witnessed Jungkook's scream.

Oh boy.

"Jin Hyung! What're you—What're you saying? He.. He doesn't..He doesn't want to marry—marry me?" Finding the nearest chair possible, Jungkook plopped down on the surface in extreme shock when he heard those words. Thousands of stray thoughts were now flooding his mind.

"Jungkook, you know I'm only joking! Taehyung's been ready for the past 10 minutes, he's meeting his friends, right now, you dumb fuck. I was only kidding, how can you believe that?!" Jin exclaimed, massaging his temple and crouched down to his knees in front of Jungkook while Namjoon stood next to him.

"How can you expect that I can take a joke right now, Hyung?— I can't.. I can't think straight, Hyung."

"I'm getting married to the man I love in a few minutes now, and the only thought running in my mind is that I don't deserve Taehyung. He's an angel and I made him go through so much, but he still accepted me and we're going to start a new life together, and I don't know! I've never felt this happy, and I know that this is probably the only good decision I have ever taken in my life, but I'm scared. I don't want to lose him, Hyung."

"I can't lose Taehyung."

"Jungkook-ah.." Namjoon sighed, pulling him up on his feet and settled for correcting the younger's suit while talking, "this is what marriages are about. There are going to be so many moments where you'll be scared out of your mind to do something, and you'll definitely be confused and anxious like you are right now. But do you know what plus point you'll have?"

The younger only shook his head, focusing his best on Namjoon's words and the signature dimple smile, "You'll have the love of your life standing right next to you, holding your hand. Just one look at them, and you'll know that there's nothing to be scared of. Loving someone is a promise in itself, it's like.. it's like promising the one you love that at the end of each day, whether good or bad, you're going to be there for them, and for your relationship."

"Take it from me, Jungkook. I was scared a night before I was supposed to marry Namjoon." Jin spoke, his eyes trailing fondly at his husband before resting on Jungkook, "He's a person completely different than I am. Even though, him and I, we've been together through a lot, I still questioned myself if I was really ready to share my entire life with this guy. Namjoon is my strength, and I wasn't so sure if I could let him see myself being vulnerable, and I was scared at the question of 'what if he's only interested in marrying the person who he thinks I am'."

"I was scared even when I was standing behind the doors, waiting to walk down the aisle. But, as soon as they opened and I looked at Joon smiling at me with these dimples, I swear all of my worries washed away. I can swear on my own life that I had never been so sure as I was looking at him that day. I love him, and I was ready to give all of myself to him and our future."

All through that, Jungkook couldn't help but admire the couple in front of him as they stared at each other with a loving gaze. They looked so in love, and so mesmerized with each other that the warmth radiating between them was something that even the younger could feel. All the while in his head, he imagined seeing Taehyung walking down the aisle with Namjoon, and the moment where they would finally take the vows.

"What we're trying to say is that, you might be feeling scared right now, but I promise the fear will wash away when you see Taehyung. Just let your heart be free and feel a tornado inside you when you see him, and tell yourself that this is the man you want to spend the rest of your life with."

The younger smiled, nodding his head in agreement as his mind cleared up a little and stepped forward to hug his elders.

"I'm glad Tae asked you guys to walk him down the aisle." he said, looking at Namjoon.

It was true. A week before the wedding and Taehyung had asked Namjoon and Jin to walk him down the aisle since they were both parent figures to him. Everyone was thinking that maybe Taehyung would ask Mrs. Chao to do so, because he practically called her 'Eomma'. But it shocked the couple to hear that from Taehyung. Sure, Mrs. Chao had been there with Taehyung since the start, but even then, he had been much closer to this Hyungs, than anyone else.

It was really no second questioning his own decision of asking them to walk him down the aisle. But Jin was the one who thought practically— saying that if Taehyung really wanted both of them to walk play such an important role, then Namjoon would be the one to walk him down the aisle and Jin would be the one to give his hand to Jungkook, right before the alter.

 But Jin was the one who thought practically— saying that if Taehyung really wanted both of them to walk play such an important role, then Namjoon would be the one to walk him down the aisle and Jin would be the one to give his hand to Jungkook, r...

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"Now, with that out of the way, you have to stand at the alter before Taehyung walks in. Let's go?"


P.S. I cried while writing the next chapter.

If you liked the chapter, please don't forget to vote and leave a comment! If you have any confusions, questions or suggestions, please feel free to comment and I'll definitely get back to you on that!

I purple you!

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