Chapter 2

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While those three waited outside their building for the chauffeur to get his car to the front, on the other hand, Jin and Namjoon were completely immersed in packing their clothes inside their respective bags while Yoongi had made himself comfortable on their couch as he watched the married couple running everywhere around their own house trying to find things that were probably way too irrelevant for a one day trip. They were going to attend an award ceremony so it was a given that they would have to wear suites, so how hard was it really to pack that along with their toiletries and other necessary stuff? Why were they running around like they were being forcefully sent to a far away island that had no food and shelter, for like a time of months? 

Yoongi, being the last one to agree on attending those awards with them, was already done with his packing, which was merely a black and white suit, shoes, a tie and obviously his comfortable pyjamas to come back home in. He didn't pack the unnecessary stuff like the couple in front of him had been doing since the last hour.

As he continued to bore himself to death, he thought about how his fiancé would react once he knows that Yoongi was going too, because him and Tae had been best friends ever since their school days and knowing Jimin, he would probably want to see his best friend winning the award with his own two eyes, rather than a lens. But nothing could be done to make that possible, because as compared to Yoongi, Jimin had more work on his side of the project.

Yoongi was already done with his individual photo shoot for their album whereas Jimin was still yet to start it. He had been focussed on helping their managers because they needed someone who could tell them about the dates and when to set their promotional appearances for the shows they had already been signed for. And out of them both, it was Jimin who volunteered, thus making Yoongi the first one to cross things off his schedule. The promotions would start only when the directors were done, first with Jimin's and then with the shoot that required both of them to be together.

While Yoongi was busy wondering to himself, Jimin was the same. He was sitting in the back with Chin Hae buckled up in the baby seat while his father was driving them to Jin's café. His thoughts kept running back to the things that his best friend had said to him with the bad feeling still lurking in the back of his mind. It was like he had never felt something like that before and the fact it was connected to Taehyung made him all the more anxious and scared. Jimin's mind kept flashing back to the times he had heard screams coming from his best friend's room, which even though was exactly three years ago, but it still felt so fresh as if it had happened just yesterday.

Sure, they had come a long way from that, but none of them could possibly forget everything.

It was just so many things, so many memories both good and bad that it was impossible to even think of forgetting them. When they thought of Jungkook, of course there were lots of good memories, but it was rare that they ever flashed in their minds. Instead, it was that one thing, that he had done which completely broke all of their trusts. No matter how hard they tried, no matter how many times Taehyung himself had asked them not to hate him because of what he did, saying that he might've had some reason that he couldn't tell them, it wasn't enough to make them dislike him any less. Out of all of them, it was Jimin who had once lashed out on his own best friend, shouting and cursing him for being so caring, kind and stupid, all because he had defended Jungkook once. It angered him that even after the betrayal and the hurt, Taehyung still loved him.

But now? He felt utterly clueless as to what the future had for them. He wanted to ask Taehyung if he was really willing to let go of that guy and start seeing other people, or if he would slowly take down the pictures of him in his and Chin Hae's room to completely erase him. He wanted to know what he had written in the journal all throughout those 3 years. He wanted to know what Jungkook had written before him. There were so many things, but he couldn't possibly point them all out at once, but the only thing he could do was wait and see for himself.
The car ride had been completely silent with Chin Hae dozing in and out of his sleep, Jimin staring out of the window while deep into his thoughts and Taehyung worrying about why his best friend was so quiet. To him, it looked like something had been bothering Jimin and he wanted to know about it.

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