Chapter 83

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I NEED TO IMPROVE MY WRITING SKILLS SO MUCH OMFG! Can you guys help me with that?

Also, I won the Best Position Paper Award in the United Nations Conferences, that I was telling you guys about :))

I hope I made someone proud, though.

I purple you, and please take care of yourselves! <3


Taking their seats around the Dining table, Taehyung sat to the right of Jungkook's father— exactly where his boyfriend had asked him to. Mr. Jeon sat at the seat designated for the head of the family, with his wife on the left.

Taehyung thought that Jungkook would sit next to her like he had mentioned a lot of times before, but was clearly surprised when the younger pulled the chair next to his own and sat down. The feeling reflected on his face so quickly on his face that Jungkook didn't try to hold back the chuckle bubbling up inside his throat, and leaned a little against his boyfriend's ear.

"You're doing so good, baby. I might just give you a reward for this later, hmm?"

The older leaned back in his place to give a 'are you serious?' look to his boyfriend, knowing fairly well about what he meant.

"Can't you keep your dick in your pants, Jungkook? Your parents are right here!" Taehyung exclaimed, whispering hastily to Jungkook that only caused him to widen the smirk on his lips and rest a hand on Taehyung's thigh.

"It's not like they'd mind if we excused ourselves right now, and go to my house."

"Ju-" Taehyung's words were abruptly cut off by no one other than Jungkook's father, his mother on the other hand, blushed in the very slightest upon noticing the crimson colour on Taehyung's face.

"Mhm. Taehyung, Jungkook. How are you going to manage now that you're going to be in different places?"

"S-Si.. Sir, actually we were um..," the older on the outer side was trying to smile the best he could, while thinking of the answer to Mr. Jeon's question, but underneath the table, was trying his best to push away his lover's hand that was curled around his thigh and getting closer with each second.

"We've decided to travel back and forth on weekends, Appa. You don't need to worry about that." Jungkook answered shortly with a smile, before removing his hand from Taehyung's thigh to serve the food on the elder's plate, before his own. He was familiar with the fact that his lover detested eating spicy foods, as well as the fact that his mother loved to cook the same.

So keeping that in mind, he selectively served food on Taehyung's plate and took the spicy parts for himself.

"Yes Sir." Taehyung joined, "It's not possible for only one of us to travel back and forth because we both have work. Plus, Jungkook is going to start again, so he might need some time to settle back as well and till then, I'll be visiting him here on the weekends."

Of course, how can I forget about that? Jungkook thought, rolling his eyes at the point and remembering the argument they had when this topic had come up.

"And what if something important comes up? How are you going to meet then?" Jungkook's mother questioned this time, not thinking twice about it and received a covered glare from her son. Next to him, Taehyung felt his beloved's grip tighten on his thigh and as a reflex, he curled his own hand around Jungkook's to calm him.

"Then we'll just have to see for ourselves, Ma'am. But both of us are willing to try and make this work to our b-"

"We are going to make it work, okay love? Don't think otherwise."

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