Not an update

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Hi guys! Firstly, let me just apologize that this isn't an update to the book. But this is something really important and I hope you guys read it further.

We all know what has been happening in the United States, the death of George Floyd has sparked rage among the people, not only from the African American community, but the whites as well. I was angry, sad and heart broken when I read through all the events that had happened. It was hard to control myself from breaking down at this point, because of the way George Floyd was killed.

For the past week, I have been following the events and riots happening in US. Albeit it gets a little hard to know of everything because the media, sometimes doesn't let news travel through. I have been active on twitter now more than ever, reading through everything. What broke my heart more was that there were Armys who were turning against each other.

Yoongi Hyung ( I call all of them Hyung because they deserve all of my respect not only because of their age, but for what I feel for them), he went live as well. I do not know what he said during the live, but it was something related to Jim Jones. If anyone knows what the matter was about, please text me on Instagram (@btssafespace) and tell me about it, I want to know. Apparently, from the several tweets I read, Jim Jones was not really the most ideal person ( for some reason that I do not know) and for this reason when Yoongi Hyung said he wanted Jim Jones to be on the mixtape (or something like that), a lot of armys threw him under the bus.

I was disgusted and hurt by that. Do you really call yourself an army when you had the audacity of doing such a thing?

Another thing that added more was that several armys were bashing other black and muslim armys as well because of all the riots going on right now. I request you, please don't do this. Bangtan and Army are one family irrespective of the religion or the country or our genders.

Please love and support all armys. Please. It is my request.

If you are in the position to help in the riots happening in US, you can also sign petition, donate and spread the word as much as you can. I have been actively part in this. I'm scared. I'm not black, nor do I live in America, but I'm scared for the people living there. I have signed several petitions, donated and I'm spreading word as much as I can.

I have platforms where I can do it, if you do too, please don't hesitate to help. All of this has been taking a toll on me mentally as well. My eyes are all red and my head hurts a lot. I'm sorry, but I will have to take a day off. I promise to update another chapter as soon as possible.

Please. I request you.

Thank you for reading this. I purple you. Please take care of yourself. If you need any help or want to talk, feel free to leave a text. I will get back to you definitely.

I purple you. Be safe.

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